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87. The noise of the traffic prevented me from ......... to sleep. * A. admiring
falling / B. starting / C. beginning / D. going 100. The palm tree is an essential source of food and ......... for
88. The noise was caused by a dog ......... a cat through the garden. people living in the tropics. * A. build material / B. material
* A. catching / B. fighting / C. following / D. chasing buildings / C. built materials / D. building materials
89. The number of learners ......... not large; therefore, a number of 101. The paper was so thin that the ......... of the pencil went right
headphones ......... available to them in the lab. * A. are-is / B. through it. * A. end / B. tail / C. edge / D. point
is-are / C. are-are / D. is-is 102. The party starts at 8 o clock so I ll ......... at 7.45. * A. look
for you / B. fetch you / C. pick up you / D. pick you up
Compiled and Edited by Truong Ngoc Thanh  Le Quy Don Upper High School
103. The phone ......... constantly since Jack announced his 114. The police have been ordered not to ......... if the students
candidacy for president this morning * A. has been ringing / attack them. * A. combat / B. retaliate / C. challenge / D.
B. rang / C. had rung / D. had been ringing rebuff
104. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too 115. The police have not yet found a possible ......... for the attack
......... * A. deep / B. shallow / C. low / C. narrow on the man. * A. example / B. understanding / C. principle /
105. The plane hit tarmac, bounced twice, raced along the runway, D. motive
and screeched to a halt. * A. stop / B. pitch / C. station / D. 116. The police let him off. They ......... him. * A. allowed / B.
gate permitted / C. didn t forbid / D. didn t finish
106. The plane was then able to rise. This means it ......... * A. 117. The police made him ......... out the truth. * A. speak / B.
could rise / B. might rise / C. might succeed in rising / D. rose speaking / C. spoke / D. speaks
107. The plane s departure was delayed because of mechanical 118. The police must now ......... the escaped convict in the
difficulties. When the weary passengers finally boarded the surrounding countries. * A. search / B. look after / C. look for
aircraft, many were annoyed and irritable because they ......... / D. be in search of
in the airport for three and a half hours. * A. are waiting / B. 119. The police picked the criminal out in the theatre with
were waiting / C. have been waiting / D. had been waiting difficulty. * A. chose him / B. identified him / C. called for
108. The plans for the building were drawn ......... a few months him / D. searched for him
ago. * A. on / B. back / C. out / D. up 120. The police say they have some important clues ......... the
109. The play draws to its close. * A. reaches its climax / B. nears murderer. * A. on / B. about / C. to / D. in
its end / C. ends it run / D. draws the curtain 121. The police set a ......... to catch the thieves. * A. plan / B.
110. The police are ......... the town for the missing vehicle. * A. device / C. snare / D. trap
seeking / B. looking / C. investigating / D. combing 122. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home,
111. The police are looking for a man of ......... height. * A. because I was ......... the speed limit. * A. transcending / B.
medium / B. extra / C. tall / D. special exceeding / C. surpassing / D. overtaking
112. The police asked me for ......... on the accident. * A. 123. The police were ......... when Mrs. Ramsay told them what she
information / B. informations / C. an information / D. some had done. * A. esteemed / B. astounded / C. astonishing / D.
informations flickered
113. The police have asked for the ......... of the public in tracing 124. The policeman lost his temper. He ......... * A. got angry / B.
the whereabouts of the escaped convict. * A. partnership / B. was in a bad mood / C. lost his nerve / D. was in a bad
co-operation / C. association / D. alliance humour
Compiled and Edited by Truong Ngoc Thanh  Le Quy Don Upper High School
125. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them 137. The proposed ......... of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics
were ......... to his arguments. * A. closed / B. dead / C. would make the new company the largest electronics firm in
careless / D. indifferent Britain. * A. combination / B. merger / C. fusion / D. mixture
126. The population of the town can be divided into three main 138. The purpose of the examination was to ......... the students
......... * A. lists / B. gangs / C. groups / D. tribes knowledge of the subject. * A. try / B. inspect / C. prove / D.
127. The president ......... will investigate the case tomorrow. * A. test
himself / B. itself / C. oneself / D. by himself 139. The purpose of the survey was to ......... the inspectors with
128. The president is going to ......... an important speech local conditions. * A. inform / B. acquaint / C. instruct / D.
tomorrow. * A. deliver / B. do / C. change / D. desire notify
129. The President made a wonderful ......... * A. message / B. talk 140. The question of late payment of bills was ......... again at the
/ C. lecture / D. speech board meeting. * A. risen / B. raised / C. brought / D. taken
130. The President s action only served to ......... a situation which 141. The rain seems to have set ......... for the evening. * A. upon /
was already extremely serious. * A. exacerbate / B. B. about / C. in / D. down
exasperate / C. irritate / D. erupt 142. The reason for all the changes being made ......... to us. * A.
131. The Prime Minister has ......... from the dogmatic position he explained / B. had explained / C. was explained / D. were
adopted a few days ago. * A. backed out / B. backed down / explained
C. backed up / D. backed on 143. The recent economic crisis has brought about a ......... in
132. The prison was so well guarded that any thought of escape world trade. * A. slump / B. sag / C. droop / D. tilt
was ......... * A. despairing / B. aimless / C. desperate / D. 144. The reporter ......... to get his story in before the deadline. * A.
pointless reached / B. managed / C. arrived / D. controlled
133. The product was withdrawn from sale because there was no 145. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it s worth
longer any ......... for it. * A. call / B. interest / C. claim / D. ......... a packed lunch. * A. take / B. to take / C. taking / D.
order taken
134. The professor said that Thailand ......... to South East Asia. * 146. The result was quite different ......... what I expected. * A.
A. has belonged / B. had belonged / C. belonged / D. belongs with / B. as / C. to / D. from
135. The professor told me that I was doing well, ......... my final 147. The road will remain safe ......... the flood washes out the
grade was awful! * A. so / B. therefore / C. in spite of / D. yet bridge. * A. as long as / B. unless / C. providing that / D.
136. The professor s book ......... a new interest in local history. * since
A. awakened / B. disturbed / C. startled / D. upset 148. The roads ......... before you get to the roundabout. * A. blend
/ B. converge / C. mingle / D. mix
Compiled and Edited by Truong Ngoc Thanh  Le Quy Don Upper High School
149. The rocket went into ......... round the moon. * A. track / B. 12. The shop assistant was ......... helpful, but she felt he could
orbit / C. path / D. circle have given her more advice. * A. entirely / B. exactly / C. quite
150. The Rogers are happy about ......... a baby. * A. have / B. / D. totally [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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