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bolts At once Jaxon smelled charred flesh and saw sparks erupting all around the two vampires. One
screamed, a high-pitched cry of terrible pain, and when the smoke and sparks cleared, Jaxon could see
the creature dragging itself across the ground, a huge gaping hole through its chest where its heart had
been The searing heat from the lightning bolt had cauterized the monster's flesh, so there was no
poisonous blood, but she sensed it was still dangerous.
The second vampire, Sir Robert Townsend, lay motionless, smoke still rising from his chest, where an
identical hole had incinerated his heart. Jaxon studied Phillipe as he crawled across the ground moaning
and hissing. The sound hurt her ears. Being mist, she had no way to muffle the noise until it occurred to
her to turn down the volume. Part of her was still locked with Lucian, monitoring his progress as he
hurtled through the earth after the undead. She tried not to be distracted, concentrating on what to do
about Phillipe. He should have been dead, lying motionless along with Townsend.
Perhaps the lightning bolt didn't hit his heart straight on. If any part of it is still functional, he
can repair himself. Do not allow him to burrow into the soil.
She recognized Lucian's confidence in her, and it gave her the sense of partnership she needed with him.
Jaxon focused on the vampire. He was indeed, reaching for handfuls of mineral-rich soil and packing his
gaping wound. Using Lucian's memory as a guide, she centered her energy on the sky above her, felt the
power moving within her. Even as she did so, a part of her found the beat of the vampire's heart. It was
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unlike that of a human being. It seemed cold, dead, with no real rhythm, rather a sluggish, irregular flow
of fluid through the chamber. She gathered together the electrical particles in the air, moving them with
her mind, shaping them into a fiery orange and red ball. When it was large enough for its purpose, she
focused on Phillipe. At her silent command he turned his body toward the sky, far too weak from his
hideous wounds to fight the compulsion. The ball hurtled from above and struck him, searing easily
through his chest and incinerating his heart in one blow.
Jaxon found herself sitting on the ground several yards from the two bodies. She was exhausted and
pale, unable to find the strength to stand. It had taken unbelievable energy to use her mind to accomplish
such physical tasks. And she knew from studying Lucian's memories that she was not yet finished. Both
bodies and any evidence of the battle and all droplets of blood had to be completely obliterated.
She was suddenly aware of hunger moving through her body like a living, breathing entity. Her cells were
crying out for sustenance, for replenishment after her sleep, after the battle, after using such energy.
Do not! The order was sharp in her mind.
It took Jaxon only a moment to realize that her weakness and hunger were affecting Lucian's own
abilities. She immediately thought of power and strength, of love and achievement, leaving no room for
anything else in her mind. She found, as she did so, that her own strength returned. She was able to once
more gather the particles of electric energy together and direct them to the bodies, leaving only fine ash to
be scattered by the wind. Every droplet of blood was found and eradicated, all evidence of the existence
of vampires or Carpathians banished. When it was over, Jaxon sat in the open meadow with the
cleansing rain pouring down on her upturned face and the wind driving out all thoughts other than
supporting Lucian in his battle with the most evil monster of all.
Lucian knew as he tracked the vampire through the newly dug tunnels that the vampire was extremely
dangerous. This one was old, an ancient of incredible skill and power. He had eluded justice for many
centuries and would not be easy to kill. Without thinking, he instructed Jaxon in the same way he had
always instructed Gabriel.Get ahead of him. He is moving up toward the surface again. He will
attempt to rise approximately four hundred yards or so from the rock outcroppings to your left.
You must drive him back toward me .
No problem. Jaxon had no idea what she was going to do to stop the creature from surfacing, but if
Lucian said it had to be done, then so be it. She streaked across the distance, judging where they were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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