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having balance in their lives by setting aside time for their family and recreation
activities. You will be more effect at your work if you keep a balance in your life.
Secret # 93. Many therapists stress that taking a break from your busy work
routine can help benefit your mental and physical health. If we take a hint from
nature we realize what farmers have learned, there is great value of letting the soil in
a field rest for a season so it will be more fruitful at the next planting.
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101 Marriage Secrets
Secret # 94. Today more and more people are having problems with
burnout, low productivity, insomnia and stress related illnesses. This is due to a
lack of balance between our work and personal lives. Without balance, we can't
truly be effect in any of our life s endeavors, so it's important to take time for our
personal needs so that we can be more effect in our work needs.
Secret # 95. Consider scheduling an entire day every few months where you
have nothing on your schedule. It doesn't matter if you stay in your pajamas all day
and read a book or make impromptu plans to go to do something relaxing like get a
massage, take a walk, hike or a movie. Just keep a day open to enjoy life and allow
your mind and body to be rejuvenated.
Secret # 96. Being successful isn t only about your career and your
possessions, it s about waking up every day and feeling good about the person you
are and the life that you have created.
Secret # 97. One way people are trying to get out of the rat race and create
more of a balance in their life is by working from their home. This can create it's
own set of problems; however, if you can focus on setting a work and home
schedule, blending the two environments can be very rewarding.
Secret # 98. As a side note, there are times when mixing work and home life
and be beneficial to everyone within the home. If you work from the home try and
adapt ways to fit your work demands in with your family, this flexibility can really
personally enrich your efforts and make working at home even more enjoyable.
Secret # 99. Another way to balance your life is to take the time to figure out
what your real values and priorities are in your life. Once you are clear on what
really matters in your life, it's easier to say 'no' to the things that will take you away
from your priorities and 'yes' to the things that will help you attain your goals and
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101 Marriage Secrets
Keep in mind that there are things each day that will surface
and present themselves as a block to the balance you're trying
to achieve. Just keep focused on your true priorities and you
will be better able to side step these blockers. Remember, who
we are is not our career; it is a balance of our family, our work,
our church, our community and who we are as individuals.
Secret # 100. It's critical to realize that if you don't create
balance in your life and are addicted to your job, then you will
very likely lose everything that is of value to you, just like a
drug addict.
Without balance you could loose your family, lose perspective
at work and have degrading performance and ultimately loose
your job. So take the necessary time to invest in the things that really matter in your
life so that everything else will come into balance.
Secret 101. Perhaps the most important secret to a great marriage is the idea
that you can never change your partner, no matter how hard you try.
The number one mistake we make as spouses is that we try hard to change our
spouse through criticism. It doesn t work and it never will.
All forms of criticism are destructive. If you spend the same amount of energy
simply improving yourself, rather than criticizing your partner, you ll find that
you ll be happier and that your partner will start responding to you more positively.
You see, the more you change yourself into the person you think you should be, the
more your partner will change into the person you want them to be. Focus on YOU
and the rest will take care of itself.
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