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correct origin line and a new transmission identification.
origin station shall not be allowed to flow into the AFTN with
known uncorrected errors.
Note. When applying the provisions of, the
minimum requirements for processing the origin of AFTN Errors made ahead of the text of a message shall
messages are:
be corrected by discarding the incorrect tape and preparing a
new one.
1) the date-time group consisting of six numeric
characters; Where possible, errors made in the text of a
2) the originator indicator consisting of eight alpha
message shall be corrected by back-spacing the tape and
eliminating the error by operation of the LETTERS [“!] key
over the undesired portion. When the first relay station detects that a
message was received with an incorrect originator indicator, it Where the action of is not possible,
correction to the text shall be made immediately after the error
by making the error sign (’!E’!E’!E’!), transmitting the last
a) stop processing the message; and
correct word or group and then continuing with the tape
b) send a service message to the station from which the
message was received. Where neither the action of nor the
action of is possible because the error in the text is not The text of the service message shall
noticed until later in the preparation process (but before the
end-of-message signal has been added) the station shall
comply with the provisions of
1) the abbreviation SVC;
2) the procedure signal QTA; The ending must be typed without error.
4-19 1/11/01
Annex 10  Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume II
4.4.13 Correction of errors during 2)  N and  S , as the fifth letter, are reserved for
message origination in cases where NOTAM and SNOWTAM respectively (see
the message is flowing into the AFTN Appendix 5 to Annex 15);
during preparation
d) The eighth letter: Messages flowing into the AFTN during
preparation shall not be terminated with an end-of-message
Either the filler letter  X or a letter taken from the
signal if they contain known uncorrected errors.
series A to Z to further define the national and/or
international distribution list(s) to be used by the Where an error is made, in this circumstance, in
receiving AFTN centre.
any part of the message which precedes the text, the
unfinished message shall be cancelled by sending the sequence
Note 1. To avoid conflict with the AFTN start-of-
message signal, combinations with ZC or CZ will not be
used. Errors made in the text and noticed immediately
Note 2. To avoid conflict with the AFTN end-of-
shall be corrected by making the error sign (’!E’!E’!E’!),
message signal, combinations with NN will not be used.
transmitting the last correct word or group and then continuing
with the message. PANS. Predetermined Distribution Addressee In cases where errors are made in the text and not
Indicators (PDAIs) should be used whenever possible on
noticed until later in the origination process, the station shall
AFTN messages between States which have agreed to make
comply with the provisions of
use of the predetermined distribution system. In cases where it becomes obvious, during the AFTN messages carrying Predetermined
origination of the text, that the message should be cancelled,
Distribution Addressee Indicators allocated by the State
the station shall take the action described in
receiving the message shall be routed to the addressees listed
on the associated list of Addressee Indicators described in
4.4.14 Predetermined distribution
system for AFTN messages States shall send their list of selected When it has been agreed between the
Predetermined Distribution Addressee Indicators together with
Administrations concerned to make use of a predetermined
the associated lists of Addressee Indicators to:
distribution system for AFTN messages, the system described
below shall be used.
a) the States from which they will receive AFTN messages
for predetermined distribution, to assure correct routing; The Predetermined Distribution Addressee Indi-
cator (PDAI) shall be constructed as follows:
b) the States which will originate AFTN messages for
a) The first and second letters:
predetermined distribution to facilitate the treatment of
requests for retransmission and to assist originators in
The first two letters of the Location Indicator of the
using the Predetermined Distribution Addressee
communications centre of the State which has agreed to
Indicators correctly.
implement the system and which receives messages over
a circuit for which it has a predetermined routing
responsibility; The list of Addressee Indicators associated
with a Predetermined Distribution Addressee Indicator shall
b) The third and fourth letters:
include either:
The letters ZZ, indicating a requirement for special
a) Addressee Indicators for national distribution; or
b) Addressee Indicators for international distribution; or
c) The fifth, sixth and seventh letters: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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