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through the t-shirt. His free hand covered one mound and he caressed it in time with
his hand in her shorts.
He rubbed his cock into her backside, pulling her closer. Ronnie dropped one
arm and reached between them. Her fingers made quick work of his fly and her hand
slipped inside. When her fingers wrapped around him, he thrust into her hand. He
increased the pressure of his own hand, and soon their hips moved in unison.
Goodnight Sweetheart 56 Emery LaRue
 You make me burn, Ronnie.
She turned her head and took his mouth with hers. She could feel the pulsing of
his thick cock in her hand, and suddenly the thought of him coming for her this way
was so erotic, her hips jerked and she gasped into his mouth.
 I m so damn close, baby. You feel so good.
 Come for me, Danny.
Her words had the desired effect, and he groaned into her mouth, plunged two
fingers into her, and came. She erupted with him, filling his hand with her release. Each
pulsing jet from him coated her hand and her lower back.
It wasn t until their hearts slowed that they parted. Standing at the sink, they
washed their hands, and then he pulled her to him again. His kiss was different than
before. Like he was trying to tell her something but she was too lost to think about it.
 That s what I call an after dinner delight.
 And it was delightful. She returned his kiss.  Now, can we take that walk?
 Anything for you, my lady. He reached into the kitchen drawer that hid his
firearm. Checking to make sure it was loaded and the safety on, he tucked it into his
pants.  Just in case.
She nodded, understanding they couldn t be too careful. But she needed to walk.
She needed to clear her mind. So much was happening so fast, and now Danny was on
her list of things to worry over. She could easily become addicted to the man.
The woods were her favorite place to go when things built up. This was the one
place she could walk through, take her time, and let nature be her soothing balm. There
had been times she had spent many hours just sitting, listening to the birds. Once she
had found a small creek bed and had fallen asleep against a tree. The water had
sounded so calming, trickling on its merry way. Like the stream, she wished her
troubles could wash away. But that was not logical. So, she took what she could from
the trees and its surroundings.
Having Danny with her was nice. He didn t say a word, just walked along beside
her. For some reason, she was enjoying sharing this time with him. Maybe it would help
Goodnight Sweetheart 57 Emery LaRue
to sooth his worries as well. She refused to believe she was falling for the man. Sex was
awesome, and his touch could ignite her desires in an instant. But surely what she felt
was nothing like love. More like lust. It had to be. It was just too soon to even consider
such an emotion. Wasn t it?
Danny took her hand and let her set the pace. Her heart picked up its pace with
just that one simple touch and that handsome smile.
 It s very nice out here, Ronnie.
 These woods have been my haven for many years. After dad died and I bought
a house outside the city, my very first night here was all I needed to regroup and move
 You still miss him, I know. My dad died when I was very young, but I miss my
mother a lot.
 My dad was all I had. My mom walked out when life as a cop s wife got to
hard. She laughed a little.  I always thought my dad being a cop was the most
incredible thing. She never looked back, and I never looked for her.
 I have heard stories about your father. He squeezed her hand.  Hell of a good
 That he was. Ronnie agreed.  I remember my first date. He scared the hell out
of the boy, telling him he knew people, powerful people.
 And when you joined the academy?
 He was very proud. My only regret is he never seen me make detective.
 He knows, and I would lay odds that he roots you on. He tugged her arm
playfully.  And the saints cry when he cusses you for being reckless.
 Now, that would be something I can count on.
For a time they lapsed into silence, each enjoying the others company. Danny
spotted a fallen tree about waist high and pulled her with him. He sat and tucked her
between his thighs.
 Have I told you how beautiful I think you are?
 No, I don t believe so. She smiled, her arms rested on his shoulders.
Goodnight Sweetheart 58 Emery LaRue
 How about sexy, desirable, and down right tasty?
 Nope, not that either.
 I must be losing my ability to be charming. He cupped her face in his hands.  I
think you are all that and more.
She didn t finish as his lips took hers in a kiss so tender, she would have cried if [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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