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disappearing. If you continue, for a few days dizziness will be there and then it will settle. The moment
dizziness has gone you will find the mind has gone, because there is nobody to feel dizzy. And then a clarity
comes. Then you look at things without the mind. Without the mind the whole is revealed -- and with the
whole, the transformation.
AND REMEMBER, when we use the word 'oneness', that too is part of duality. If there is no duality
how can there be oneness? That's why Hindus never use 'oneness'. If you ask Shankara, "What is the nature
of existence?" he says, "Non-dual, ADVAITA, not two."
He will never say one, because how can you say one? If there is only one, how can you say one? One
needs two to be meaningful. If there is no possibility of the second, of the two, then what is the use of
saying that it is one? Shankara says, "At the most, I can say not two, but I cannot say positively one. I can
say what the reality is not: it is not two. I cannot say what it is, because meaning, words, all become
When you cannot see love apart from hate, what meaning will you give to love? Dictionaries cannot be
written by Sosan. If somebody tells me to write a dictionary, I cannot do that. It is impossible, because what
meaning will I give to love? Dictionaries are possible only if love and hate are different, not only different
but opposite. So you can write: love is not hate. When you have to define hate, you can say: not love.
But what will Sosan do? If you ask him, "What is love?" how should he define love? -- because love is
hate too. How will he define life? -- because life is death too. How will he define a child? -- because a child
is an old man too. How will he define beauty? -- because beauty is ugliness too. Boundaries disappear, then
you cannot define anything because definition needs boundaries, and definition depends on the opposite; all
definitions depend on the opposite.
If we say what a man is, we can say: not a woman -- and it is defined. But if you look at Sosan and
understand him, every man is a woman, every woman is a man. This is how things are. Now psychologists
have discovered that fact also: that man and woman are bisexual. Every man has a woman hidden within,
and every woman has a man hidden within her -- they are there. No woman is simply a woman, cannot be.
In this existence nothing can be without the opposite. And no man can be without a woman, the woman is
You are born out of two parents; one was man, one was woman. You carry both within you, half-half.
This has to be so, there is no other way to be born. You are not born out of a woman only, otherwise you
would have been only woman. You are not born out of the father only, otherwise you would have been only
man. You are born out of a duality, man and woman. They both contribute, you are both.
That creates trouble, because when the mind thinks about a woman, it always thinks in terms of the
feminine. But you don't know then. If a woman becomes ferocious, she is more ferocious than any man; if
she is angry, no man can compete with her; if she hates, no man can hate like her.
Why? Because her woman is tired, on the surface, and her man is always at rest and is more full of
energy. So whenever she is angry, she is more angry because the man starts functioning, and that man is at
rest. And whenever a man surrenders or becomes very loving he is more feminine than any woman, because
then the woman that is always at rest and hidden behind, and always fresh and young, comes up.
Look at Hindu deities. They have the right thing, they have understood the duality very well. You must
have seen pictures of Kali, the mother. She is a very ferocious woman with skulls around her neck, blood
and a head in one hand, and many hands holding weapons to kill. She is the consort of Shiva, and Shiva is
Lying down and she is standing on his chest.
When for the first time Westerners started to think about this symbol, they were puzzled: "Why? And
why do you call this woman 'mother'? She looks like death!" But Hindus say that the mother also has death
in her, because she gives birth, then who will give you death, the opposite? The mother gives you birth, then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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