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 Duh, the school dance, remember?
How could I forget? So much had happened since I promised to go. The excitement of it all had waned.  I, uh& .
 Oh no you don t. This is your first dance and I m not letting you off the hook.
Note to self& don t make promises you may need to break later.  I haven t talked to Grampa about it yet.
 Do it tonight, or I ll do it for you.
For the rest of the drive and most of the morning, I wondered what I d wear, whether or not to invite Bran. At nineteen, a high school dance might not
be his thing, but I d like to think he wouldn t care because he d be with me. The thought improved my moods.
Mr. Johnson gave us a surprise quiz in pre-calc. Math was one of my favorite subjects, so I think I aced it. We started a chapter on naming
molecules and compounds in chemistry, which wasn t so bad. I d already memorized the periodic table. Before heading to the cafeteria for lunch, I
went by my locker to put books away and found Sykes and Remy waiting by my locker.
 Why the long faces, guys?
They glanced at each other, then Sykes said,  You re in a happy mood.
I shrugged.  Why not. Tomorrow is Friday. No training for two days. Kylie and I planned to hang out by the pool.  Are you guys coming to the dance
They nodded, but still looked glum. I was used to Sykes perpetual smirk. And even the ever serious Remy often cracked a smile whenever our
paths crossed. I put my books away then turned and faced them.  Okay, guys. Who died and when s the funeral?
 You and Kim need to talk, Remy said.
I rolled my eyes and started walking toward the cafeteria. The guys stuck by my side.  Did she send you? I asked.
 Hell no, was Sykes immediate response.
 We re a team, and whatever problems we have, we solve them together, Remy added.
He had a point.  I have a better idea. She and I can duke it out at the dojo this evening, trainee-to-trainee, and call it a day.
They continued to stare at me with sour faces, indicating just how bothered they were by what happened last evening.  Okay, fine. I hate holding
grudges and I need to set Kim straight on a few things. Unless you want me to come now, I ll join you guys after I eat. I noticed the girls often came
to the cafeteria late and rarely ate anything. I assumed they went home for lunch first.
Remy patted my shoulder.  I ll let the others know. He disappeared down a hallway. Sykes continued with me to the cafeteria. He and Remy ate
with a bunch of jocks.
 So how come you re in such a happy mood? he asked.
Last night flashed in my head. The flight. The kiss. How could I not be happy? He must agree to take me to the dance.  I ve never been to a school
dance before.
 No kidding. You re going to be very surprised. We stopped by the cafeteria entrance.  Your friends are already at a table.
Sure enough, I spied Kylie, McKenzie and Amelia.  Kylie s doing an article on the dojo, so be prepared when she ambushes you with her recorder.
Sykes stiffened.  You didn t tell her anything, did you?
I threw him an annoyed look.  What do you think? I walked away before he could answer, got my food and joined the others. Before long, our table
was full with the usual group. The girls were discussing what they planned to wear when I looked up and gasped. The conversation at our table
became an insignificant background buzz.
What was Bran doing here?
As though he knew where I was, he turned and our eyes met. Then he started toward me, and everything appeared to go in slow motion. A wave of
silence followed him as necks craned and heads turned to watch him. I didn t blame them. The combination of black jeans, black loafers and a long
black trench coat gave him a seductive and dangerous aura. His dark-green dress shirt made his eyes look darker and broodier. And his luxurious
hair cascaded in waves to his shoulders, highlighting his gorgeous face.
When he stopped across from me, leaned over until our faces were only a few inches apart, I was convinced he d kiss me. My breath stalled.
Seconds stretched.
 Come with me, he said, his voice low, and offered me his hand instead.
Reality shifted and time righted itself. Something wasn t right. Up close, I noticed that his emerald eyes had darkened to the stormy green of the
North Atlantic Ocean and a muscle ticked on his jaw. I slipped my hand in his and confirmed my suspicions. He was upset about something. I
walked around the end of the table to his side, my gaze searching his face.
 Kylie, Amelia, he said in greeting.
My friends responded, but I didn t hear anything they said. I was busy trying to communicate with him. What is it?
I ll explain outside.
Please, let it not be something to do with me. I swallowed, trying hard not to panic. I was still stressing as we walked toward the door. Silent stares
followed us. At a different time, I would ve worn a smug expression, maybe even given the girls ogling him a he-is-mine look. Right now, I just
wanted us to be alone so I could find out what was going on. I wound my arm around his and clung tight to his hand. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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