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Thom s words were sporadic but they were enough to solidify her decision. Careful
not to draw their attention, she crept through the trees.
In the meadow, at the far edge of the orchard, her horse grazed patiently. She bent,
fumbling with the knotted reins. A hand grabbed the back of her skirts and yanked her
off balance. Her hip hit the dirt and she yelped, more from surprise than pain.  Leave
me be!
Jack swatted the horse s rump, sending the animal bolting across the meadow.
 Why are you doing this? She scrambled to her feet, edging back toward the heart
of the orchard.
 Maybe my brother s not such a dolt, after all. Jack smirked. He stalked her, eyes
bright with cunning.  You re about the prettiest piece I ve seen in a good long while.
Let s spread your cloak right here, so God can watch me mount His virgin bride.
Cyndi Friberg
Wadding the cloak into a thick ball, she threw it at his smug face and ran. She
darted between the trees, changing direction without warning. Crunching leaves and
snapping twigs warned that he followed. She didn t pause to look.
A sparkle of gold flitted in her peripheral vision.
Yes! Fair Fiona, help me! Help me now!
Where was Thom? Would he restrain his brother or assist him?
Something tangled in her hair, bringing her up short. Rowena screamed.
 Why so shy, sweeting? Jack sneered.  You were willing enough to spread your
thighs for my brother.
She jammed her elbow backward, desperate to strike something vital. He jerked on
her hair. She cried out.  Get your hands off me! Fury and panic deluged her senses.
Bile burned her throat. Her stomach cramped.
His arm banded her waist, trapping her arms against her sides. She kicked wildly,
unable to see her target.
 Jack! Let her go. There are willing women aplenty. There s no call for this.
Thom s angry voice came from somewhere behind them, and Rowena sobbed.
Please, God, please, let him be rational. Let the kindness she d glimpsed in his eyes save
her now.
 She made you an offer, Jack argued.  I m just seeing she delivers.
 She made the offer to me, and I say let her go.
 If you re no longer interested, be off. If you re staying, let s begin.
Rowena threw her weight forward then slammed her head back, connecting
forcefully with Jack s chin.
Grunting, he cuffed the side of her head.  You stupid bitch!
He pushed her violently, tumbling her to the leaf-strewn ground. She landed on her
hands and knees, but he flipped her over. Breath whooshed from her lungs, and she
stared at him in silent horror.
Thom grabbed his brother s arm, glaring into his eyes.  She s a virgin! Leave her
 You re a fool! Jack shook off his brother s hold.  What virgin would seek out the
likes of you or me? This is a game. She s a whore.
Thom s dark gaze searched her face, and Rowena watched her last hope die. He
believed his brother.
 Please, she cried, reaching for him.  I m not a whore. Jack shoved her down.
 Just leave me here. I don t want 
Jack silenced her with the back of his hand.
Thom moved a few paces away and turned around. She sobbed. This couldn t be
happening! Where was Fair Fiona?
Tears of the Dragon
Her head pounded, the pain nearly blinding, but she forced herself to focus through
the haze. If she wanted to survive this day, it was up to her. Easing her hand along her
side, she searched for the handle of her dirk. There! The familiar shape pressed into her
palm, and she slipped the blade from her belt.
Come on, you bastard. Just a bit closer.
He knelt between her legs, grabbing her skirts with both hands. Rowena reared,
driving the knife toward his chest. His forearm deflected it at the last moment. The
blade sank hilt deep, but too far to the side to pierce his heart. He howled and toppled
backward. Following him over, she jerked the knife from his flesh.
She raised her arm for a second strike, but Thom caught her wrist. He viciously
twisted, and her fingers went numb, the dirk slipping from her useless grasp.
Jack wheezed and coughed. His arms grabbed Rowena, dragging her down against
his blood-soaked chest. She screamed, writhing and shoving frantically.
 If he dies, you die! Thom snarled, flinging her from his brother s gasping body.
She hit a tree with a sickening thud and reality faded for a moment. Pain sliced
through the stupor and she grasped her head.
Thom knelt beside her. She blinked repeatedly, trying to bring him into focus. He
raised a dagger, and she shrieked, instinctively covering her face with her arms.
Without speaking, he sliced her bliaud nearly to the waist and hacked away a large
section of her shift then returned to his brother. Bandages. He d only needed bandages.
Terrified of drawing attention to herself, she stayed quiet and still. Would he kill
her once Jack was tended? He obviously didn t care that she d been protecting herself.
He returned a few minutes later, his dagger covered with blood.  Know this. He
leaned down and meticulously wiped the blade against the pale skin of her chest.
Rowena closed her eyes, waiting for the searing pain, the icy sting of death. He pressed
the point of his dagger against her breast, waiting until she opened her eyes.  If my
brother dies, I will find you.
Huddled against the tree, she watched him gather Jack in his arms and bear him
toward their horses. Tears streamed unchecked down her cheeks, but she was unable to
make a sound.
She was alive!
What had happened to Fair Fiona?
Why had no one helped her?
She had fought this battle alone.
With no one but herself to depend upon she had managed to survive.
* * * * *
Cyndi Friberg
High in the trees, Fair Fiona trembled.  I hate this, she lamented, her voice
undetectable to the woman below.  How can Father be so cruel? She needed me
 Nay, this is encouraging. Fearsome Dragon spread his wings, sheltering the Fairy
with his power.  She is beginning to understand.
Fiona blinked back tears, her heart still aching for her friend.  Aye. She has
glimpsed her own strength, but how do we make her see her true beauty? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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