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She released him and he thanked the gods. He couldn t hold out much longer.
His libido, suppressed for so long, was battering his psyche. She straightened the top
and played with her hair in front of the mirror as she waited for him to shuffle
awkwardly to the door.
 You don t look well, she said when they finally reached the kitchen.  Why
don t you sit down and I ll make lunch?
 No, Miss& 
 I don t feel like anything special. What is Jack having?
 He hasn t said.
 What do you normally make him?
Jack desperately tried to think what Hanna usually made him and Grigor for
lunch.  Sandwiches.
 Why don t I make him a sandwich? Does he like tomatoes?
 Then I ll make him my most favorite sandwich of all time.
 He ll like that.
 Then you sit there and I ll make you one too.
Jack watched her in amused silence as she prepared the sandwiches, chatting
away about her childhood in Queensland. Suddenly she stopped.  Has Jack ever been
He hesitated. He d thought he d escaped that question in the bedroom. But
evidently she was insistent on knowing. He decided honesty was best. It would be one
less lie he d have to maintain.  Yes, Miss.
Serena s expression clouded for a moment.  He s not now?
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 No. She died, many years ago.
The cloud deepened.  That s very sad. He loved her deeply?
 As deep as the oceans, he said softly.
Serena reached out a comforting hand and laid it on his withered bones. Her
sadness was genuine.  How did she die?
He responded before he could stop himself. The bitterness in his voice was
tangible.  Bastard hunters.
Serena started at the sharpness in her voice.  An accident? How tragic. I m so
sorry. Did you know her?
He barely resisted the temptation to shout it was no accident, but an act of
vicious, heartless cruelty.  She was the most beautiful, the most graceful woman in the
 He must have been devastated, she sighed.
He couldn t answer. His exhaustion at maintaining this stupid façade was almost
 I bet there s been a lot of women since, wanting to take his mind off her loss.
He saw her blush at the question.  I m sorry. That was a stupid thing to say.
He held up his withered hand.  No. No, there hasn t. He s not like that.
 Loyal, I like that in a man.
His heart jumped at the idea that she could respect him.  And do you have a
man, Miss?
 Oh, yes. Haven t you seen the news? He s a loyal man too. I ve loved him for
ten years, worked so closely with him that it hurt. But he was married and he never
broke his marriage vows.
 That s unusual, Jack murmured, not believing a word of it.  This man, he
knew you loved him?
 Oh, yes. We even talked about it once. He said he loved me too, but he also
loved his wife and wouldn t do anything to hurt her.
 And he kept you with him, even knowing you were suffering?
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 It was my choice, Serena said defensively.  He needed me to manage his
 He seems a very cruel man. Jack imagined the ego of the man, stroked every
day by this beautiful, intelligent women who he d kept at arm s length so he could
bathe in her adoration. What a bastard.
 I thought so sometimes. But he often said I d have a better life away from him.
Do you think it silly, she said softly,  to keep yourself for a dream?
 Sometimes, if it is not returned.
She nodded.  I think had I not known he loved me, that he was completely not
interested in me, that I would ve gone. But I could see he did. His every word, his every
movement told me we were soul mates. I know I was a fool. It could never be. I should
have ended it and found someone else.
 You will find happiness.
She shook her head.  But you only get one soul mate.
He wanted to shout out that was poppycock! If only she knew how many years
he d wasted on that silly notion.  Perhaps, he said at last,  there is more than one soul
mate for each of us. I think you ll find someone worthy.
 Did you, Olga?
 Yes, he said immediately, surprised at her perceptiveness.  I am very tired
now. I must go.
 I ve made sandwiches for Jack. Where is he?
 He ll be in the library, he said.
Serena put her arms on Jack s shoulders.  Thank you for listening. I haven t told
anyone those things before. You know, I find you very easy to talk to.
 They say I am a good listener.
She kissed him on the cheek. He raised his frail arms and hugged her but with
the strength of a man in love.
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He recoiled, releasing her immediately. He couldn t do this to her. He couldn t
fall in love with her. He couldn t make her fall in love with him. It would be just too
unfair to make her love him and then disappoint her as he knew he would.
He had to get out.
Chapter 9
Serena took a surprised breath as she watched Jack s grandmother leave the
kitchen. She was incredibly strong for her age. Despite her pleading tiredness, Serena
sensed that the old woman was as strong as an ox. Her shoulders still felt the strength
of her embrace.
An impressive old lady indeed and the family resemblance was very strong.
Even the way she moved, gracefully and smoothly, she could have sworn it was
Jack walking away from her.
Serena giggled at the story she d told about Jack hiding the chicken. It occurred
to her that Jack couldn t be his real name. She spoke of a European upbringing she was
sure. She d have to ask him.
Serena was pleased that he wasn t the typical macho, arrogant male and the fact
that he had a tragic past made him infinitely more interesting.
That it was so tragic she regretted. To lose the love of your life would have been
devastating, and that he had grieved and stayed loyal to her memory was special. He
was one of a kind.
As she made another banana and tomato sandwich, sprinkling brown sugar over
the banana, she wondered if she had actually found someone who could help her get
over Kelvin. She wondered if the old woman was right. Perhaps there was more than
one soul mate for everyone. One just had to find them.
She smiled inwardly at the wickedness of the thought. Here was her chance to
become that modern day femme fatale she d imagined being yesterday.
She stopped herself. Was it only yesterday?
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She was amazed at the distance she d come in only one day. Yesterday she d
been devastated that she and Kelvin were over completely. Now, she was seriously
thinking about using Jack in a ruthless cathartic way. She paused at that idea.
No, she felt something more romantic in her interest in Jack. She had a strong
desire to get to know him, work out what made him tick. See if there could be
something more with him than just a one-night stand.
He was certainly intelligent, articulate, handsome, athletic and moral. She
paused at that last one. Since meeting his grandmother she felt much better about him.
Though, she knew, even Hitler had a nice little old grandmother somewhere who
probably loved him.
She had to speak with Jack more to determine if he was genuine. Serena put the
butter and leftover fruit back into the fridge, and carried the plate of sandwiches and
two glasses of orange juice out of the kitchen in search of the library.
She only got lost once, going into a sun room instead, but she found Jack pacing
by the window. His long legs strode gracefully, one hand punching the other as if he
was debating some point with himself. She wouldn t have been surprised to hear him
muttering to himself but he was silent. His brow furrowed in deep concentration.
She put the tray onto an ornate table and considered leaving right then and there.
He didn t look pleased to see her. In fact, he looked absolutely hostile.
 Is there something wrong?
His face softened.  No. Nothing is wrong.
 Your grandmother has gone for a lay down. She was feeling tired. So I ve made
you some sandwiches.
 Oh, he said.  Thanks. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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