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though the difference in their stations couldn t have been plainer. Lucia was
a servant. She d been waiting on them all night, in fact, but these women
spoke to her as if she were an equal.
 So do you have any questions for us, Lucy? Marta asked.  Is it all right to
call you that? Kaden seems to call you Lucy, but Marcus is a bit more formal.
Caught off guard, she smiled and squirmed a bit.  Sir Kaden probably calls me
Lucy because Sir Reynor decided early on he liked the sound of it better. And
it s fine with me. I actually like it.
 Still so formal? Calling them sir? Marta looked deflated.
 Well, I m only a servant, after all. It wouldn t be right 
 That s garbage. Lady Candis s pronouncement was blunt and sounded rather
final.  I was a farm girl when Hal found me. You ll discover we don t care
much for rank in the Lair, only that our men and dragons are happy and well
cared for. If you can do that, you ll be welcome among us.
 They haven t asked her yet, I bet. Marta s glance slid from
Marcus to Kaden back to her with a speculative gleam.  The fools.
 Asked me what?
 To live in the Lair, Marta said with breezy assuredness.  It s clear the
dragons already love you. You d be welcome, Lucy.
 But the key is, Lady Candis chimed in,  do you love them?
 Yes, of course. Reynor and Linea are both dear to my heart.
 Not the dragons, silly, Marta chided her.  Though that s important, of
course. Do you love Marcus and Kaden?
Stunned by the woman s blunt question, Lucia s gaze shifted to the men. Each
was attractive in his own way, though she still feared the memories Marcus
brought back, though she couldn t deny his attraction, and she had no such
qualms about Kaden. Both men had sought her out, made her feel special, and
kissed her as if she really mattered to them. Each was unique Marcus with his
debonair flair and
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Kaden with his rough warrior ways and she felt deep stirrings of admiration
and passion for them both. But was it love?
She didn t dare answer, even in the privacy of her own mind.
 I m not used to the idea of having more than one lover. She hedged with the
ladies who eyed her with varying degrees of expectation.
 Oh, that s the best part. Marta s eyes glowed with mischief.  Two men are
most definitely better than one.
 Mmm, Candis agreed with a laugh,  when one makes you angry
you can ask the other to punch him in the nose for you.
 But disharmony in a Lair relationship is rare indeed, Marta jumped to
reassure her.  The men know if their lady is unhappy, they will both suffer,
and the dragons too. And nobody wants to deal with unhappy dragons.
 So that s why all of them looked so happy. But, Lucia lowered her voice,
 how does it all work exactly? Do they take turns? She blushed at her own
brazen question but the ladies didn t seem to take offense.
Marta patted her hand again.  Occasionally, but at heart, we re a triple. We
do all things together.
Lucia shook her head, confused.  I just don t see how it s possible.
 Oh, it s possible, all right, Candis confirmed with a knowing grin.
 And darn pleasurable. There s nothing quite like having two men to warm you
on a cold winter s night. Two men to see to your every need.
Two men to cherish and protect you. And two men to love. Her gaze drifted
fondly to her mates, talking animatedly with the other men.
 Give Marcus and Kaden a chance to prove it to you, Lucy. They say you can
hear dragons. It s clear you were meant to live in the Lair.
 You can t? Lucia was surprised by the longing in Marta s tone.
Marta shook her head.  Sadly, no. At times I hear echoes, but I do love the
dragons and know they enjoy my company too.
Lucia couldn t imagine what it must be like to live in such close company with
dragons and not be able to hear their silent speech. Her heart went out to the
other woman.
 Say you ll give it some thought, Lucy, Candis urged.  Come to the Lair and
see if you could be happy living there. You ll find a lot of people and
dragons will be happy to welcome you.
 I will think on it, but they haven t asked. I wouldn t want to be
 Oh, they ll ask. Candis grinned and a knowing smile lit Marta s
pretty face as well.
 You know, you two still have to clear the air, Marcus reminded
Kaden and Reynor later, after the other knights and their ladies had gone. The
tavern was empty now. Only Lucia remained with the two knights, sitting
companionably between them.
They d drunk, perhaps too much, but were reasonably sober as
Lucia observed the men and learned more about them. Marcus had been charming.
Kaden had been quiet but earnest when he d worked up the nerve to speak. His
reticence was endearing and the way Marcus included him rather than shut him
out as other men might have done, impressed her.
Kaden lost all reticence now though, as he sat back and drained his cup. He
glowered at his friend.
 It s none of your business.
 Actually, Marcus stared down the other knight,  it my is business. He
looked from Linea to Reynor and back again with a pointed glance.
 Leave it be, Marcus,
Reynor said with a smoky sigh.
 With all due respect, I cannot. Marcus shook his head.  When you and Linea
join, what affects you and Kaden will affect us all.
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 If I cannot fly, there will never be a mating flight,
Reynor shot back. 
Much as it pains me, Linea must seek another.
 There will be no other.
Linea reared her head in annoyance. 
You are my mate, whether you can fly or not.
Kaden shot to his feet, his eyes wild with a mixture of anger, regret, pain
and remorse.  I m sorry, was all he could choke out before leaving the table.
He stormed away toward the back of the tavern and
the room he d rented there.
 Go to him, Lucia, Marcus pleaded, shocking her with the pained compassion in
his gaze.  He s hurting.
 What s going on? She didn t understand everything that had just been said.
She felt out of her depth, but her heart ached for the knight and dragon who
were so wounded.
 He blames himself for Rey s injury.
 I don t blame him. I ve told him that over and over, but it does no good. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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