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"We're on our way." Chase ended the call. "We gotta
go," he said, gesturing for Toby to get up.
"Something we need to know?" Jackson asked.
"Not yet. I'll call you."
Chase rushed out of the precinct, Toby hot on his
"What happened?" Toby asked when they were out of
"Daniel was at the cemetery and got to Evan
somehow. He's okay, but a bit shaken."
He drove like a madman to the cemetery, escaping a
ticket only by sheer luck. He barely shut down the
engine before he was out of the Jeep. Kay and Evan
were sitting close to the entrance, on the grass, the first
Perfect Knowledge - 123
aid kit they all carried in their vehicles between them.
Kay was cleaning the scrape on Evan's left cheek,
making cooing noises, to his very visible annoyance.
"Will you tell her to shut up?" Evan complained
when he saw them. "I'm not a five-year old."
Instead of answering, Chase knelt in front of him,
wrapping his arms around the slim frame and squeezing
almost painfully. "You scare me like that again, and I'll
kill you," he murmured into Evan's ear.
When they parted, Evan had a sheepish expression.
"Sorry. It's not like I planned this."
"What happened?" Toby asked.
"I was looking around for people to talk to when I
recognized my surroundings from the visions." Evan
shrugged. "I couldn't resist searching for Susan's grave.
Daniel must've seen me there, got curious, I guess."
"You okay?" Chase asked, still unable to shake the
dread he had experienced when Kay had called.
"Yeah. I don't think he meant to hurt me. He pulled
me inside a crypt. I wasn't expecting it, so I didn't brace
myself in time."
"He tell you anything?" Toby asked.
"That he's a hired killer, that he dated Susan for about
five years when she moved here. He asked her to marry
him, told her what he did, and she couldn't deal with it.
Threw him out. He hadn't seen her in over ten years
when she was killed. I don't think he killed her." He
looked at Chase, eyes a bit haunted. "Chase, this whole
detective thing& I think I got caught up in the moment."
"What do you mean?" Chase asked, afraid Evan
might have changed his mind about joining them.
Evan winced. "When you asked me to work with you,
I got caught up in this idea of chasing bad guys, helping
people like Jessica& I still want to do that, and I guess I
should learn some fighting techniques, even how to fire
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a gun. But I'm not sure I can actually carry one, or& use
it. I kept staring at Daniel's gun, picturing me holding it,
firing it, and it just felt wrong. I don't think I can do it.
Maybe that makes me a coward, I don't know, but guns
just& They creep me out."
"It doesn't make you a coward," Chase said, picking
up Evan's hand and kissing the palm. "It makes you
someone who doesn't like violence. None of us do, we
just have to use it sometimes. But there's more to this
than just the gun thing."
Evan nodded. "He saw right through me, called me a
bleeding heart. He's right, too. When I get the visions, I
also get feelings. With Jessica, it was fear. The first few
times I had them at the hospital, I thought I was going
out of my mind. I would wake up with tears rolling
down my face and my heart pounding, and it would take
a while for me to understand that the mind-numbing
terror I was feeling wasn't my own. With Daniel& "
"With Daniel?" Kay prompted.
"I feel terrible loneliness, and such an intense pain
that I can't understand how he can function at all without
going mad. And I feel love. He loved her so much& "
He looked at Chase, his gaze a little bright. "I keep
thinking that he's a killer, and I wonder how many
people he's murdered, and the ways in which he did it. I
know this is so wrong, but the truth is, I'm not sure that
even if I'd been in a position to overpower him, I
would've taken that chance." He stared down at their
linked hands. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Evan," Chase murmured, wondering what
he could say to comfort his lover.
"No, it's not. Daniel could be out there right now,
killing someone. This time I didn't have a choice but to
let him go. What about next time? What if I do have a
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