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much more children would learn if they had an c.  At least we should make summer camps more
extra four months a year to learn new material. (5) In affordable and educational.
addition, with so many single-parent households or d.  Studies show that children who read
families where both parents have to work, child care throughout the summer do better in the next
in the long summer months is a serious financial school year.
burden on families. (6) Those who can t afford child
care have no choice but to leave their children alone. 27. Sentence 6 commits which of the following
a. red herring
b. straw man
c. no in-betweens
d. non sequitur
Read the following passages carefully and answer the You would like to know whether the employees in
questions that follow. your company have started exercising as a result of
the company recently building a new health club on
Every day for the last six weeks, LeeAnne has been the tenth floor of your building. You get a list of all the
doing yoga before work in the morning. Since then, employees that received photo identification per-
she has noticed that she is more relaxed. She has also mitting entrance into the gym. You see that 64 percent
been given an award for her dedication at work and of the employees applied for the gym photo ID and
been asked out on several dates. Furthermore, she therefore conclude that 64 percent of the employees
has noticed an increase in her appetite. have started to incorporate exercise into their
lifestyle as a result of the opening of the new gym.
28. Which of the following is very likely to be the
result of her yoga? 31. What is wrong with your conclusion?
a. She is more relaxed. a. You haven t found out what kind of exercise
b. She is being asked out on dates. the employees are engaging in.
c. She has gotten an award at work. b. You don t find out whether some, or all, of the
d. a and c employees were exercising elsewhere before
the new gym opened.
29. If LeeAnne were to claim that her social life has c. You don t take into account that just because
improved because of her yoga, which of the fol- 64 percent applied for a gym ID, they are not
lowing would be true? all actually going to the gym.
a. She d be making a hasty generalization. d. both b and c
b. She d be committing the post hoc, ergo propter
hoc fallacy. 32. Which of the following could you logically con-
c. She d be reversing cause and effect. clude from your before/after comparison?
d. She wouldn t be committing any logical a. Sixty-four percent of the employees intended
fallacies. to use the new gym.
b. Providing a health club for employees
Rhonda wants to plant a flower garden in her improves work performance.
yard. She knows she needs to do each of the c. When people have a health club in their place of
following: employment, they are more likely to eat right.
1. Decide which flowers she likes best. d. If the gym offered exercise classes, then more
2. Find out which flowers grow best in her people would use it.
3. Buy gardening equipment. 33. If you wanted to survey people in your company
4. Design the flower garden. about the new health club and how it has
changed or affected their lifestyle, which people
30. In which order should Rhonda take the steps would provide you with a representative sample?
listed above? a. people who worked for the company before,
a. 1, 2, 3, 4 during, and after the health club was built
b. 4, 3, 2, 1 b. people who joined the company after the
c. 2, 1, 3, 4 health club was built
d. 2, 1, 4, 3 c. people who never worked for the company
d. people who belong to a health club
Michelle has a list of chores she needs to get done Brenda is hosting a dinner party. On one side of the
before 5:00 p.m. She needs to vacuum, but she can t table, Ed (E) is sitting next to Mary (M). There are
do that between 10 12 or 2 4 because the baby will two seats between Annabelle (A) and Mary.
be sleeping. She needs to do yesterday s dishes, but Annabelle is next to Carl (C). Carl is one seat away
she can t do that between 9 10 or 12 1 because she from Mary. Roger (R) is at one end of the table.
and the baby will be eating. She needs to cook din-
ner, but she can t do that until she does yesterday s 35. In which order are these guests sitting?
dishes, and she wants to do that as close to dinner- a. R, A, C, E, M
time as possible. She also needs to dust, but she b. R, C, M, E, A
wants to do that before she vacuums. c. E, M, A, C, R
d. M, C, R, A, E
34. Which of the following is the best schedule for
10:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 4:00 4:00 5:00
a. vacuum dust cook dishes
b. dust vacuum dishes cook
c. dust dishes vacuum cook
d. dishes cook dust vacuum
Answer Key
You can find relevant instruction and examples for any items you miss in the lesson(s) listed to the right of each
correct answer.
1. b. Lesson 2 19. a. Lesson 13
2. c. Lesson 2 20. b. Lessons 15, 16
3. b. Lesson 3 21. d. Lesson 4
4. c. Lesson 3 22. c. Lesson 4
5. a. Lesson 6 23. a. Lesson 7
6. c. Lesson 6 24. b. Lesson 3
7. b. Lesson 11 25. b. Lesson 7
8. c. Lesson 13 26. b. Lessons 7 9
9. a. Lesson 5 27. c. Lesson 12
10. c. Lesson 11 28. a. Lessons 15, 17
11. b. Lesson 12 29. b. Lesson 17
12. c. Lesson 5 30. d. Lessons 2, 19
13. d. Lessons 7 9 31. d. Lessons 15, 18, 19
14. a. Lesson 12 32. a. Lessons 15, 18, 19
15. a. Lessons 15, 16 33. a. Lesson 18
16. a Lesson 13 34. b. Lessons 15, 19
17. b. Lesson 14 35. a. Lessons 15, 19
18. c. Lesson 12
How to Prepare for a Test
ost of us get nervous about tests, especially standardized tests, where our scores can have a sig-
nificant impact on our future. Nervousness is natural and it can even be an advantage if you
Mknow how to channel it into positive energy.
The following pages provide suggestions for overcoming test anxiety both in the days and weeks before the
test and during the test itself.
Two to Three Months before The Days before the Test
the Test
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