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produce the desired effect.
Experiment with different strokes with the flogger. Flogger tails can be tickled or draped against the skin, shaken so that just the
tips brush against the flesh, flicked at a person in much the same way that a horse flicks its tail, and so on. Even the strokes used
for more intense blows can be enormously varied: overhand, underhand, sidearm, figure eight. If you are new to using whips and
floggers, or simply have a new one you're not used to yet, practice on a pillow first until you get a feel for the implement and
know how to aim it with a reasonable degree of accuracy. You want to avoid hitting things other than your intended target,
obviously, both for safety's sake and to concentrate the effect.
When it comes to ball stretchers, choose one that the intended wearer can comfortably accommodate. This will probably mean
choosing a smaller one over a larger one at first. You can always work your way up. Even shorter, smaller ones have a decided
effect on the wearer, so don't get something that's too big to be worn simply because you think a shorter ball stretcher won't
provide the desired effect: it will.
In Context
Cock and ball play is delightful not only for the reactions your "boys" have to the treatment you give them, but because of the
reactions you get from other people who may be watching. This weekend, there's a Club run - your local men's BDSM
organization, camping out and hanging out on acres of private, wooded space, with plenty of well-outfitted playspaces to share
and enjoy. It's a perfect opportunity to give your best "boy" and a hopeful new recruit a chance to strut their stuff, and for all of
you to watch other folks' reactions to the trouble you get up to.
Your "boys" meet you before lunch in the main play area of the run compound. Here, under the shady canopy of a big tent, are a
variety of tables and crosses standing ready for use. Gazing across the space, you turn to your playmates and order both lads to
strip to their boots. Eagerly they pull off their clothes, and you already sense a little bit of competition between them. Your 'boy'
knows he comes first in your heart, and that no one else can replace him, but he sti11likes to vie for your attention, and he always
has been a bit of a show-off.
When both men are stripped and ready, you stand them back to back. Using a couple of leather belts, you strap them together
around the chest and waist, a lovely and effective form of bondage that lets each man feel, quite intimately, the reactions of the
other one even though they can't see each other. There is a rack nearby with a hanging chain. You order them to walk to it - which
they do pretty awkwardly, and you almost burst out laughing watching them - and stand directly under the chain. When they have
arrived, you take a spreader bar and attach it to the two hanging chains like a trapeze, dangling it just within reach above their
"Grab that bar, boys," you say, and they do, reaching up and spread-eagling themselves for your pleasure. You're now free to open
up your toy bag and get down to work, and you do, thinking about the fact , that both men have been telling you for days just how
eager they have been to play with you now.
After choosing the implement you want, you straighten up and - withdraw a long, slender object from your shirt pocket and place
it between your lips. Thoughtfully, you light the cigar, and puff on it to get it going. The taste is pleasant, the look is authoritarian,
and occasionally the hot ash from the tip comes in handy in a scene. You blow a wisp of cool blue smoke into your boy's face. He
eagerly sucks up the vapor. Then you walk to the other side and do the same to your new recruit. He blinks and tries to suck up
some of the smoke, but it just isn't his scene. You decide not to press the issue, especially since he is new, and he might not be
able to tolerate cigar smoke. An asthma attack would be dramatic, yes, but not quite the kind of dramatic you're looking for.
Verbal action seems like the way to go.
Playing on the images that cigar generates in your mind, you decide to put on your Marine drill sergeant persona, eyeing your
newer playmate with a cool, appraising eye. "You ever had your balls whipped, boy?" you bark.
"No sir," he answers respectfully.
"What did you say, boy?"
"I said, no sir, sir," he replies, louder this time. He is very distinct and loud, but you decide to push it further so he'll catch on
completely to your game.
"I can't hear you, boy!" you snap, shouting like a seasoned leatherneck.
He gets it and smiles, then shouts back." I SAID NO SIR, SIR! I HAVE NEVER HAD MY BALLS WHIPPED, SIR!"
"Well, you got quite a treat coming to you, boy."
"I'm sure you will, too," you sigh menacingly under your breath, walking back to your "boy" and reaching down to grab his cock
and balls.
"Now, my boy has had his balls whipped before, and he told me it was a little bit of heaven, didn't you, boy?" Your boy smiles
and you see that mischievous twinkle in his eye. "YES SIR!" he shouts, bright and cheerful. You pull his cock and balls away
from his body until he is standing on tiptoe, his face starting to twist in pain.
"Yes sir what?" you taunt, knowing how much he loves the military-style order-giving, the shouting back and forth.
"YES SIR, A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN, SIR," he barks back as his nipples and cock start to harden. You keep up the drill
sergeant routine for a few more minutes, pacing around the two naked men, watching their reactions. But why keep them waiting
any longer? Pulling out the toy you'd chosen earlier, a flogger made of rubber strands similar to rubber bands, you give it a whirl
near your "boy's" face. It whistles as the tails slice through the air, and you continue spinning it, listening to the warbling noise as
the rubber strands break the air. Slowly, slowly, you move it down toward his half-erect cock, moving it gradually closer until the
tips of the rubber tails graze the head of his cock. He winces and tries to pull away, but when he backs up he is locked by the boy
strapped to his back; and you grin at him as he realizes he's stuck.
Now it's time to work his nuts. You lift his cock out of the way and begin a slow flogging of his balls. Starting with light sweeps,
only gradually increasing the force of the strokes, you watch his face for reactions. Wincing and groaning are signs he is taking it
well. You've been playing with him for quite a while and know his body language, but even so you watch him carefully. If you see
an unfamiliar expression, or some sign of panic, you can ease off and keep the scene going longer. In a few minutes he is writhing
and twisting, occasionally pulling his feet up off the floor. The combination of your whipping his balls and massaging the head of
his cock while you hold it out of the way is sending him over the top.
Of course, it won't do to give one "boy" all the attention and leave the other one hanging. So you give your first panting victim a
little while to catch his breath while you turn your attentions to the new kid in town. He gets the same treatment, but since he is
new, you don't have such an intimate knowledge of his body language. To assure that you will be able to know his status, you
encourage him to keep giving you feedback - a drill sergeant is perfectly able to command his charges to report on how each and
every stroke feels. The necessity of responding keeps his attention focused on what's happening, and keeps you up-to-date on how
he's doing, too. Besides which, it's hot... and as long as he continues with the "thank you sir, may I have another, sir," routine,
there's little question of whether he's doing okay. You don't stop working him over until his dick begins to drip precum. You don't
actually want him to orgasm, just to keep him excited and stimulated and waiting for what will happen next. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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