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sandalwood.  I found this massage oil in the same place I found the Japanese phrase book. He
chuckled.  Amazing what you can find when you look.
Toshi had already undone the first couple of buttons. The nerve endings along his skin thrummed
he just wanted John s hands on him now.  Would you help me with this?
John smiled and set down the bottle of oil.  Gladly.
John s heartbeat sped up. It happened every time they touched and he hoped it always would. He
moved closer and reached out, trembling fingers undoing the buttons of Toshi s shirt as quickly as
he could. Toshi s shirt fell open, revealing his sleekly muscled chest.
 Damn, Toshi. You re amazing. John heard the wonder and appreciation in his own voice. He
sure meant it. The man was nothing short of delicious.
He reached up and pushed Toshi s shirt back. The movement made his thumbs brush the warm skin
of Toshi s shoulders. A thrill of heat shivered through his body and he paused to savor the way the
moonlight outlined his lover s lean, sinewy form and smooth, flawless skin.
He trailed the fingertips of one hand down Toshi s arm, traced the outlines of definition where
biceps melted into triceps, then back up to his shoulder.  God, Toshi, your skin is exquisite. He
leaned closer and breathed in the other man s warm clean scent.
 Thank you. Toshi definitely sounded shy. He looked slightly down and John felt his lover s
difficulty in accepting the praise. Too damn bad. He d have to get used to it.
 You re welcome. Just true. Closing his eyes, John brushed his lips over Toshi s shoulder. He
heard Toshi take a deep breath then felt Toshi s hand cupped the back of his neck. A thumb
brushed the curve of John s neck.
The light touch sent a warm tingle down John s spine and around his front, shooting into his groin.
Sedonia Guillone
The first stirrings of a hard-on hit him and he straightened up, pulled away with a grin.  I won t be
able to massage you if you keep doing that.
Toshi chuckled.  All right. I ll behave. His hand slipped from John s neck and John picked up the
oil, squeezed a small amount onto his palm. He rubbed his hands together while Toshi turned
The oil warmed on John s palms and he put them on Toshi s back. Damn, Toshi s body felt
incredible under his hands. He started rubbing the tight muscles in slow, firm circles. Fortunately,
the tension in his lover distracted John from the lust heating his own body, as Toshi was obviously
in need of relaxation. Gently, John kneaded Toshi s deltoids.
Toshi groaned and his shoulders began to sag.  Where did you learn to massage like that?
John slipped his hands to Toshi s shoulders, pressed his thumbs into them and rubbed them in the
same circular pattern. The scent of the massage oil filled the air, making John feel relaxed too.
 I haven t really done it much, he confessed.  It s just& well& touching you seems to come
naturally. Before Toshi could answer, he slid one hand to the back of Toshi s neck, bidding him to
bow his head so he could massage out the tension there, too.
He slid careful fingertips up and down the taut tendons. Even Toshi s neck was amazing, the
delicate yet masculine curves. He could see them much better without the wisps of hair that had
covered them before. Even though he missed Toshi s longer hair, there were some compensations.
Toshi moaned again.
 You make it easy to learn. John spent a few minutes kneading Toshi s neck and then started
again with both hands on Toshi s back.
Toshi s head lolled forward. His torso now moved easily under John s hands as if he were
becoming a rag doll.
 John? Toshi asked after several moments of quiet rubbing.
 What s your father like?
John paused, rested his hands a moment on Toshi s shoulders before returning to his back.  My
dad? Hmm. No one ever asked him about his father, a quiet man who stayed in the background
and just made sure crops kept growing and the children were fed.  You know that line in Seven
Samurai when the Granddad of the village tells the samurai that farmers go to bed worrying and
wake up the same way?
Toshi chuckled.  I remember. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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