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out.  No one wants to buy a piece of the  true cross that looks new. He pointed to the large box of teeth
had been sorted through to eliminate any that showed signs of modern dentistry.  Wouldn t do to sell
someone a tooth of Saint Agnes and then have them discover that it had a porcelain crown.
LaFarge was flabbergasted. He was certainly aware that the sale of indulgences and relics were part
of Catholic culture, but he had never been aware that the practice entailed such blatant forgery. Quiferelli
laughed again.  If you re going to be Inquisitor of the Simonites, it is best you learn how this business
works. He paused and asked Fuquois,  This is the Pope s nominee for Grand Inquisitor, is it not?
 What do you mean nominee? LaFarge replied.
 Well, the brothers must judge your suitability to join the order. You will stand for examination
before the assembled body.
 This is an outrage! LaFarge sputtered indignantly.  I am appointed by the Pope, himself, and he
never mentioned that I was to endure& approval. He practically spat the word.
Quiferelli took great delight in LaFarge s discomfiture, for he and Fuquois viewed LaFarge as a
creature of Sylvester s. Though it would seem counterintuitive, the Abbot and the Cardinal were pleased
that the Pope had chosen to send a spy among them. This gave them the chance to feed disinformation to
their perceived enemy, and, as Fuquois put it,  To keep the rat where we can watch him. They dismissed
the possibility that the dense American, Sylvester, could be so clever as to suspect that the Abbot and the
Cardinal were anything but loyal servants, and they had agreed to carry on the ruse of blind fealty to the
Pope whenever in LaFarge s presence. There was much at stake, and they were determined to maintain
the element of surprise.
Fuquois and Quiferelli were concerned about the public indignation over Sylvester s actions since
coming to office. They worried that public opinion would turn against the Church. Because of these
concerns, they had formulated plans to minimize any backlash against Sylvester. Newspaper articles were
already appearing in the foreign press comparing Sylvester s reign to the sacking of Rome by Alaric and
his Vandals. Fuquois and Quiferelli agreed that bad press makes for bad business and that continued public
scrutiny would make the heretofore underground operations of the Knights of Simon nigh on to
Quiferelli waited until LaFarge had regained his composure, then spoke in an avuncular manner,
 How much do you know about the Simonite Order, my son?
LaFarge was still red from his outburst, though he spoke with a forced semblance of calm.  I must
admit, very little. So please tell me what this is all about.
Quiferelli smiled wickedly.  Don t worry, you ll find out after your examination& assuming that you
LaFarge s mouth dropped open and the veins in his forehead began to bulge.
Fuquois stepped in to calm LaFarge though he was enjoying the insouciance with which the Abbott
tormented the Pope s appointee, he wanted to finish the process of bringing LaFarge into the Order of St.
Simon and ultimately into his clutches. Fuquois said,  You see, in order for you to be the Grand Inquisitor,
you must first become a Simonite. And as a candidate for admittance to the order, you must stand before
those who would be your peers and allow them to judge you for themselves. But in reality, this is just a
formality done mostly for the tradition of the ceremony. Once they meet you, they will no doubt
acknowledge your qualifications and induct you into their society. Then you may assume the office of the
Grand Inquisitor.
The Abbot s aide entered carrying a robe, a hood, and a rope. Quiferelli chuckled and said,  These
are the ritual garments an applicant must wear when being presented to the brethren.
LaFarge spoke timorously,  The hood and robe I understand, but how does one wear a rope?
Quiferelli lowered his voice and spoke in a wickedly menacing manner as he tied a noose.  Why
around the neck of course. It is symbolic of the way in which you are offering the choice of your fate as a
 But it s all strictly symbolic, of course, Fuquois chimed in.
LaFarge stood silently as the young aide dressed him in the robe and hood and loosely fitted the noose
around his neck. Once LaFarge was properly hoodwinked, the aide led LaFarge to the great hall where
the brethren of the order were gathered.
They questioned him,  Are you born of noble quarters?
 Are you free of debt?
 Are you willing to renounce your vow of poverty?
 Are you willing to renounce your vow of chastity?
Having satisfactorily answered the questions, LaFarge then received a hazing that consisted of being
made to walk a plank over what he was told was a deep pit. The plank was shaken and he fell off. LaFarge
screamed, but since the fall was only from the height of a half-foot, it was only his dignity that was
Quiferelli was the first to congratulate LaFarge on his investiture. As he handed him the ceremonial
pair of tongs that signified his new office, Quiferelli said,  You are now in charge.
LaFarge was too pleased with himself to notice the Abbott s sly wink at Fuquois.
Chapter 15
Pardoe Farms, Delaware
April 16, 2008
CheeBah Awakes
Franklin s new assistant, PessAr, finished downloading another Blithian into the genetically altered
chicken that lay strapped to the lab table. The individual groaned softly and twitched slightly as if
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