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was already halfway through his shift. Bones and muscles reshaped lightning fast. Fur seemed to burst
forth, and his nails transformed into deadly claws between one blink and the next.
She went from watching Ty get naked to staring at an enraged werebear intent on breaking up
the fight between the two males.
Stay put? Like heck.
Mia yanked on the door handle and shoved the heavy metal panel wide, hopping from the truck
the moment she had enough space. She raced from the vehicle, intent on getting to the two men who
held her heart. She made it ten feet, ten feet of worry and running, before another body barreled into
her, slamming her to the ground.
 Don t you even think about it. The snarled words were deep and filled with deadly intent.
Self-preservation kicked in, demanding she freeze and listen to the massive male atop her. The
gravel beneath her palms scraped and scratched her skin, but it was the man crushing her that worried
her most.
 Nod if you understand.
Of course, Mia nodded. The large mass of man holding her down eased some of his weight
from her, and she took a chance to glance over her shoulder. It was Keen, but a Keen she d never seen
before. Muscles bulged and flexed all over his body, the harsh, carved lines digging into her. His
mouth was a snout, long and thick and covered in near-midnight fur while wicked fangs stretched past
his lips. His forehead was flattened, eyes now farther apart. She looked to the hands on either side of
her body and shuddered. Fingers were claws, deadly nails now inches long.
Gradually his weight eased, lessening until he rolled to his feet and towered over her. He
reached down and hauled her upright while his gaze remained firmly on the ongoing carnage before
The older bear continued snarling and clawing at her father, hunting for blood, while her father
did the same. The burgundy fluid coated each of their coats, blackening the fur and matting the strands
to their massive bodies.
Ty raced into the fray, shoving aside her father and then roughly doing the same to the other
bear. Her dad didn t seem to take too kindly to being denied his kill and attacked Ty, turning his
enraged attention to the man she d decided to spend her life with. A ginormous claw scraped down
Ty s side, opening him from shoulder to hindquarter, and Mia couldn t withhold her scream.
 Ty! Anguish filled her voice and pain for him raced through her body. She took one step and
then another toward the tangle of bears, but it was Keen s unrelenting grip that stayed her.
 Damn it, Keen. She yanked against his hold, never tearing her gaze from the battling bears.
The older bear pushed back into the fight, and Ty shoved him, sending him tumbling and
stumbling back a half dozen steps and then he turned his attention to her father once again. Blood
continued to flow from the gaping wound, and the bears focus remained intent on one another. Her
dad raised his claw, ready to strike, and she realized Ty wasn t going to defend himself. He wasn t
going to fight the man who d raised her.
This time, when she heaved against Keen s hold, she broke free. One minute she was a captive
and then next she was racing across the gravel driveway, screaming as loud as she could.
 Daddy, no! Sobs choked her voice, so she tried again. She dug deep, hunting within herself
for every ounce of energy she possessed and let loose another shout.  No!
Her father s downward strike stuttered in mid-air, claw freezing in place, and Mia didn t slow
a bit. No, she moved faster, sandal-clad feet pounding over the loose gravel. She slid across the
uneven surface, stumbling until she stood between her father and the man she loved.
 No, she gasped and fought for breath. Wetness coated her cheeks, tears streaming from her
eyes.  No.
A growl came from behind her, the sound so familiar, and it was answered by the massive bear
in front of her. Her father bared his teeth, curling his lip and snarling at Ty.
 No more! She screamed as loud as she could, fighting to be heard over the growing growls.
Another bear s sounds joined in, coming from her left. She quickly stooped, grabbed a rock
from the ground and threw it at the offending animal. She may not be a skinny model-like woman, but
she d played hard with the boys growing up. One of her favorite games had been baseball. Mia put all
of her strength behind the throw, flinging it across the expanse and nailing the bear right between the
eyes. Blood immediately welled from the wound she d inflicted. She glared at the fang-bearing bear
and mimicked his snarl.
 I fucking said enough.
A rolling whine came from her father and she turned back to him, intent on his slow and steady [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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