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slowly back and forth. I pushed down, increasing the pressure.  No,
I whispered.
Immediately she lowered my hands to my sides and eased back. In
the light from the room beyond, I could read the desire in her eyes and
something else. Her expression was tender and assessing all at once.
" 177 "
Grace Lennox
 No, meaning stop? Or no as in, you want this?
My mouth was so swollen from her kisses, and my throat so dry, I
had trouble forming the words.  I want this.
Her hands tightened around mine.  I m basically a top. Does that
work for you?
It was hard to concentrate on the question with her nipples grazing
my chest through the barrier of our clothing and her body heating mine.
I tried to frame an honest answer but I wasn t sure what she was really
asking and I preferred not to put myself in a box. Everyone was an
individual, after all, and I generally played it by ear with my girlfriends.
I tried to figure out what women wanted so I could give it to them.
 I m versatile, I said for lack of a better way to explain this
 Okay. She lifted my hands and kissed them one at a time.  If
you don t feel comfortable at any stage, just tell me.
I wasn t comfortable now. I wanted us to stop talking and start
taking off our clothes before I had second thoughts about sleeping with
a band member.  I m cool, I said.
Relinquishing my hands, she cupped my face and kissed me with
such passionate precision I thought I would pass out.  Then let go,
she murmured against my mouth.  Don t try to control what happens.
Just feel.
I thought I was doing that already.  Okay.
She had my belt undone and my jeans open before I could think
about whether I really was ready to be naked.  I m going to fuck you
till you can t come anymore, she said and slid her hand inside my
panties and along the hot aching furrow of my sex.
She didn t tease or dabble. She cupped me in her hand and
squeezed hard, sending a shock of sensation through my body that
made me slump forward, resting my weight on her, whining softly. She
rocked me on her hand, at the same time kissing and biting my neck.
When her fingers finally parted me, I couldn t stop myself from crying
out. Almost as the sound was wrenched from me, she thrust inside,
opening me faster than anyone ever had.
 Baby, you feel good, she groaned.  I don t know why I waited
so long.
 Me either. I wanted our clothes off. I wanted to feel her skin
against mine. Yet I could concentrate on nothing but the fierce, fast
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rhythm of her stokes, the cigar-and-leather scent of her, the need to
breathe or pass out. I tilted my pelvis, improving on her entry angle. Her
other hand found my ass, lifting me to her, making me take her deeper.
We converged and grunted and clung together, urging each other on.
She fucked me harder and faster until I was just moments away from
coming, my muscles straining, my breath ragged, harsh little whines
rising from my throat. Then, suddenly, I was empty and her wet hand
brushed over my belly.
A shock of panic and craving engulfed me.  Don t stop, I gasped
out.  Why did you stop?
She laughed softly and hustled me toward the bed a few feet
away.  I m not stopping. In fact  she shoved me down against the
pillows and roughly pulled off my jeans and panties  I haven t even
Far above me, through a broad skylight, stars crowded a serenely
radiant moon, but I soon relinquished the draw of the celestial for the
immediacy of the woman I was with. She helped me out of my shirt
and we both stared down at my body, pale in the watery glow of the
moonlight. I had goose flesh, not just because I was naked and the room
was a little cool, but the way she looked at me made me shiver and
pulse with anticipation.
I reached for her, needing her inside me once more, but she stepped
just out of reach and into the shadows. I squirmed as I waited for what
seemed an eternity. I could hear drawers opening and closing, clothing
being discarded, muted sounds I didn t recognize. Frustrated and bent
on relief, I slid my hand down to my welling core. I had barely made
contact when she caught my wrist.
 Did I say you could touch yourself?
I looked up at her and a tremor passed through me. She hadn t
undressed and was standing next to the bed in her leather pants and a
plain white T-shirt.
 Would you like to watch? I offered.
 I ll let you know if you can please me that way. She released my
hand and bent down to kiss my cheek.
At the same time she clamped one of my nipples between two
fingers and squeezed until pain and pleasure combusted into a single
intense sensation that was neither. It went straight to my groin and my
insides clenched a response that made me cry,  Luke, please.
" 179 "
Grace Lennox
 All in good time.
She caught the other nipple, adding to my desperation. Her breath
caressed my cheek, then her mouth moved over my throat and down
to the nipple she d chosen first. With the tip of her tongue she took
over from her fingers and massaged the sensitized flesh, kissing and
blowing and making me want that exquisite pressure again, and more.
When I could bear her tantalizing play no longer, I clutched hold of her,
pushing down on her shoulders, urging her to go lower. I parted my
thighs and lifted my hips.
She answered, but not the way I expected. Her mouth still busy,
she reached behind her and took something from her clothing. Two
small metallic clips dangled from a slender chain.
Disconcerted, I said,  I ve never used those before.
She knelt over me, straddling one of my thighs.  Well, that s a
pity  she slid the first clamp over my right nipple and deftly fastened
it  because I have a feeling you ll enjoy them. Also, I like to work
hands free.
I watched with startled fascination as she slid a bar up the two
sides of the clip until my nipple was compressed just enough to
make me moan. I wanted to watch her fasten the second one but my
concentration kept slipping to the feel of her knee, encased in warm
leather and positioned between my thighs, barely skimming my clit. I
shimmied down the bed and almost came in sheer relief as I brought
myself fully in contact with her.
Luke allowed me to roll my hips back and forth as she finished
tightening the second clamp. Then her hands slid beneath my thighs
and she pushed me back up the bed and kept pushing until my legs were
splayed wide, the knees out to each side, exposing me completely.
 Don t move, she said and got off the bed.
She lit a candle and placed it on a dresser against the opposite
wall, then returned to the bed, where she leaned casually against the
decorative footboard post to my left. She stared down at me, and I felt
shockingly naked knowing that the soft light beamed directly between
my thighs, presenting her with an unobstructed view.
 Now you can play with yourself, she said and slid a hand slowly
back and forth over the snap front fly of her pants and down toward the
recess of her groin.
Uncertainly, I touched myself and caught the flash of a smile.
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 That s right. Part yourself for me. When I hesitated, she said
huskily,  You re beautiful, baby. I want to watch you come. Will you
do that for me?
There was something quite hypnotic about her calm voice and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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