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my balance.
We toppled into the water, kissing and embracing till we were forced up for oxygen. Breathless and
laughing, she waded through the water away from me, jumping when it became shallow enough to vault
the water, and ran onto the beach to fall headlong in the grass.
I ran after her, tugged by my trembling erection, my eyes wide, staring at her graceful figure plunging to
the shore. The water resisted my progress but I was hardly aware of it. I could only think of making love
with her.
On the grass beside her, my hands running over her wet skin, feeling the curves of her flesh, its resilience,
my fingers easing into the tight furrow of her cheeks and burrowing in deep till they touched her tiny
asshole. She pressed in close to me, her flesh setting mine on fire.
Holding onto her ass, I slid down into the join of her thighs and allowed my tongue to tarry between the
top of her wide cleft, caressing the pulvinated skin and relishing each tiny curl peeking out of it. Her back
arched tautly, bringing her cunt up higher so I would dig my tongue up her hole, and I obliged her happily.
She had a taste all of her own. Though she refused to use perfume, she favored bath oils, one in
particular that smelled like an orange grove, fresh, a little bitter, fragrant without being cloying. I could
smell the remains of it in her cunt, together with a tangy blend of human secretions that added up to
olives and mushroom, but could instantly change to quite a different taste like a sweet meat, or almonds.
I sucked all of it into me, tasting it all the way down my throat and smelling it with all the power of my
nostrils. The sticky fluids and the spit mingled to cover my face and absorb me all the more into the
wonderful world of her box, while she writhed and groaned, her back as taut as a bow and quiver.
Her legs came around my neck so that her sinewy thighs were clasped about my ears. I pulled the
cheeks of her ass further apart so that the dark valley stretched wide, and ran my tongue up in hard
licks, concentrating about the clitoris that had appeared out of its tuck of skin and reared up like a
mighty midget, hard as a bullet.
How she danced when I chafed it subtly with my teeth, the fluids gushing down and running over my
fingers into the furrow itself. I lifted her up higher and gave my mouth free rein in her ass. It nipped and
nibbled, licked and tasted, caressed and chewed, rimming her asshole, then the elastically constricted
hole of her cunt, easing in and out, flicking at drops of nectar wherever they were.
Her hips began to jerk convulsively and she begged me to give her a break, just for a moment, so she
could absorb all the rushes of ecstasy I had triggered off in her. I wanted to keep going but she slid out
of my grasp and before I could retrench, she was down on me.
I saw she meant business, so I lay back and relaxed. Her instincts were either working at full pelt, or she
had had lessons from the other demons disguised as little girls, because she worked me over like a
blowjob queen.
Her wide mouth stretched around my vibrant cock, to linger around the burning head for a moment
before plunging down around the sides. I groaned and tried to dig into the ground with my back under
the sheer force of feeling. She went up and did it again, and again I could hardly take it all. She was like
an arsonist, setting my body alight with the sudden brilliance of a flash cube.
Suddenly I wanted nothing else in this world than to be blown by her. And that, for me, is peculiar,
since I have never thought highly of men who go into sexual escapades just to have their peeny-weeny
sucked. She was good, super good, her lips and tongue shivering around my flesh till it threatened to
disintegrate into ecstatic ashes.
But she brought me too close to blowing, and in the back of my mind the idea of fucking was still very
strong. With a titanic exertion of mind over flesh, I pulled free and laid her out on the beach towel.
She looked at me, ripe and ready, her eyes focusing with effort, and smiling distractedly when I covered
her body with mine. Her hand went down to my groin and guided my aching cock into her soaked hole, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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