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side, bringing her body up close against his. Pulling her as close as
possible, he wrapped his arms protectively around her and buried his
head against her silky hair. Neither of them spoke as they struggled to
regain their breath.
Finally, Remus was able to find his voice.  Are you okay, little
Maddie raised her head from where she laid it against his chest.
 I m perfect, Remus. I never thought it could be so wonderful. I
feel like I ve been waiting for you my entire life, like we re supposed
to be together. Does that make any sense?
Remus smiled as he placed a light kiss on the top of her head.
 It makes perfect sense, my mate. I ve been waiting for you my
entire life. You re my other half, Maddie, my soul mate for life.
We re most definitely supposed to be together. Once I claim you,
we ll never be apart again.
 You promised to give me some time before you bite me. Are you
going to keep your promise, Remus? Maddie s voice was laced with
Sighing, Remus struggled to find an answer she d accept.  I m
willing to give you some time, but I won t be able to give you a lot of
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100 Missy Martine
time. You have to understand that my wolf will demand to finish the
mating. He almost forced me to claim you today.
Remus winced at the shocked expression on Maddie s face.
 Maybe it would help me to be able to explain it better if I knew
what your grandfather told you.
 Well, I can let you read his journal. He told me about my
grandmother and about my father not being willing to accept his
heritage. He said that you were a shape-shifter and that you d always
known that we d be mates. How did you know that?
Remus cuddled her closer before answering.  Wolves can scent
their mates, Maddie. It s a chemical reaction in our bodies, something
that can t be faked or forced. I got my first whiff of you after you
visited Victor. You d spent the weekend with him and your scent was
everywhere. It drove me crazy for days.
Maddie ran her hand up and down Remus s chest.  He also told
me about mating and biting and what it would and could mean to me.
I understand it ll put some type of chemical into my body that lets
others know I m your mate.
 Yeah, I ll inject an enzyme from my body into yours when I bite
you. It ll change your scent to one that automatically identifies you as
my mate. At her look of disbelief he tried to explain further.  I don t
begin to understand it myself, but I m telling you it works. When my
father explained it to me he said it was magic.
 Well, that I might be able to believe. Grandfather said that my
grandmother s father told him it was magic that allowed a shape-
shifter to change from wolf to human. He said that was how
Grandmother changed, she called on her magic.
Remus began running his hand up and down her back.  Sounds
like it must be true, then, since my father told us the same stories. He
was surprised when Maddie shifted further away. Remus was amazed
at the look of happiness on her face.
 Remus, Grandfather wrote that he believed I had the wolf magic
in me, even though I m not full-blooded. He thought the magic was
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 101
what caused me to have telekinesis. It was manifesting itself in me
differently because of the lack of the wolf DNA in my body.
 That seems to make you awfully happy. Why is that? Remus
was puzzled by her reaction.
 Because they never could figure out why that happened to me, no
matter how many tests they subjected me to. It s such a relief to have
a viable reason for what I am. You just couldn t understand how scary
it is to wonder all the time about why you are the way you are.
He hugged her tight against his body.  Oh, baby, I never thought
of it that way. Remus kept his voice soothing and started rubbing up
and down her back again.
When she spoke again, Maddie s voice was muffled against his
chest.  Remus, he also wrote that he was told that there s a small
chance that once you bite me I would be able to shift into my own
 Wow, that s something I ve never heard.
 He explained it saying that your bite had something in it that
could activate the latent wolf DNA in my body.
 I don t know what to say.
 Well, don t get too excited. He wrote that he didn t believe it for
a minute, but thought I ought to be aware of the possibilities. He said
if anything allowed me to shift it would be the magic he thought I
carried in my body. That s also why he didn t think Michael would
ever be able to turn into a wolf. The wolf DNA is in him also, but
Grandfather didn t believe he has any magic in his soul.
 After meeting your brother, I can t say I disagree with that
assessment. Ugh! Remus grunted when Maddie punched him in the
stomach. He had to bite back a laugh.
 If he mates with a female wolf, and she bites him, he still might
have a chance to become a shifter.
Remus leaned back so he could gaze into her eyes.  How do you
feel about it? Would you like to be able to turn into a wolf and run
with me through the woods?
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102 Missy Martine
Maddie was silent for so long, Remus began to wonder if she was
going to answer his question.
 I m not sure how I feel about it. I haven t had very long to even
consider the possibility. It s scary but exciting at the same time. I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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