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hips nudged against Felix s. His hands tightened on Felix s waist,
and he swallowed a groan.  He doesn t deserve you. But& 
Felix shut his eyes and pressed his brow against the mattress.
 Are you sure you want to do this?
 He told you to seduce me. He dared you to. If he can t live
with the consequences of that, he shouldn t have done it.
Adrien s hand slipped up, stroking over Felix s stomach,
moving away from where he wanted those fingers.  I m not
worried about him.
Felix exhaled sharply.  Fuck me, goddamn it.
Adrien slipped his hand around from Felix s stomach to his
back, then trailed it down. He slid his thumb in the cleft of Felix s
ass and brushed over his entrance. Felix moaned, ragged and
needy, and shifted his stance to grant Adrien better access. Every
nerve fiber he possessed focused in on that touch, waiting tense to
see if he d take it any further.
Adrien let the pad of his thumb rest against Felix s entrance for
a moment. Then with careful, rocking pressure, he bore down
against it, easing it open, excruciatingly patient.
Sweat broke out along Felix s spine. He pressed his face
against the bed to muffle the sounds he couldn t restrain. Every
time he thought he d managed to find a scrap of self-control to
cling to, Adrien pressed his finger in just a little bit harder, and
swept it all out of his grasp.
Adrien kissed Felix s nape, then slid down, leaving a trail of
kisses down his spine. His breath gusted across Felix s shoulders.
His lips tickled the narrowest point of Felix s waist. When he
reached the base of Felix s spine, he lingered, let the tip of his
tongue trace across Felix s skin. He braced both hands on Felix s
ass and used them to spread his cheeks. Felix tensed, waiting,
hardly daring to hope Adrien intended anything more than another
Adrien s breath brushed over his skin, prickling and warm. The
tip of his tongue brushed a fleeting caress, not where Felix wanted
it but close enough to make him moan. Behind him, Adrien
chuckled and licked him again, a firmer, lingering stroke this time.
Felix twisted and pressed back against Adrien, trying to direct
him. To his relief, Adrien didn t stop or chastise him for trying to
take control from him, he just tightened his fingers on Felix s hips
to hold him still and continued his maddening kisses.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of teasing, Adrien s
tongue flicked over Felix s anus. Felix cried out and shuddered,
groaned,  God, again.
Adrien didn t scold him for that, either. His hands spread
Felix s cheeks apart and he bent over him, licking over Felix s
entrance more firmly, tracing circles around it. He probed at it with
the tip of his tongue, working it open. Felix bit down hard on his
lip and struggled to relax when his whole body was so tense with
need that it was painful.
Gradually, he was able to relax his muscles with conscious
effort, and Adrien s thrusts with his tongue were able to sink
deeper, stretch him open farther.
Adrien s hands skimmed over him, stroking his ass and sliding
up over his back, down to caress his thighs. His mouth on Felix
was eager, and when he drew it away, Felix cried out in protest.
Just as quickly, Adrien replaced it with the broader pressure of
a fingertip. Felix bore down against it as he rocked back, and
Adrien s finger sank into him easily. Adrien s groan was just as
needy as Felix s.
 God, he muttered, rocking his finger deep inside Felix.  This
really isn t fair at all.
 I can t imagine what you re complaining about, Felix
Adrien laughed hoarsely.  Not complaining. He withdrew his
finger nearly all the way, then thrust it in again. Felix groaned.
 Just appreciating what I ve got, while I ve got it.
Felix wasn t sure what he meant by that. He frowned and
started to ask for an explanation, but Adrien worked a second
finger in beside the first and words failed him. He moaned and
rocked back against the pressure, helping Adrien penetrate him.
The feeling of being stretched was delicious, incredible. Felix
shifted his weight forward and rocked back again when Adrien was
too slow to continue. Adrien braced a hand on Felix s hip and held
him still while he slid his fingers slowly in and out of Felix s ass.
After long minutes, Adrien slipped his fingers out and moved
back. Felix swore at the sudden loss, at the feeling of being empty
when what he wanted was to be filled. He twisted, looking for
Adrien, for some sort of explanation.
Adrien was kneeling at the edge of the bed, a bottle of lube
lying on the blankets before him and a foil-wrapped condom in his
hands. Felix shivered in anticipation as he watched Adrien tear the
packet open and roll the condom down over his cock.
When he had the condom on all the way, Adrien looked at
Felix and caught his eye.  Do you want me to fuck you like this?
he asked.  Or untie you first?
 Untie me. Felix pulled at the ropes. The prospect of release
suddenly made them unbearable.  Please.
Adrien moved in behind Felix again, close enough that his
thighs brushed against the backs of Felix s, and his cock slid
against Felix s ass. Felix rocked back, instinctive. Adrien slapped
his cheek lightly, and admonished him,  Stay still, or I ll leave you
like this.
Felix shut his eyes and forced himself still as Adrien s fingers
brushed his forearms, working at the knots he d tied. The ropes
came undone, too slowly for Felix s liking. When finally Adrien
unwound the last loops and knots from Felix s wrists, he brought
his hands forward and pushed himself up.
He rolled over before Adrien could stop him, turning onto his
back, grabbed Adrien by the back of the neck and dragged his
mouth down.
Felix kissed him ravenously, biting at his lips, seeking his
tongue out with his own. He hooked his leg around Adrien s hips
and used the leverage to thrust up, grinding himself against
Adrien s stomach.
The feel of it, after his cock had been neglected for so long,
made Felix moan against Adrien s mouth. He thrust up again and a
shudder ran through him. Adrien matched him, arching into each
thrust so the friction was even more potent. Felix gasped into the
kiss and reached blindly for the bottle of lube
He found it, wrapped his fingers around the bottle and pushed
Adrien up. Adrien sat back, watching him, his gaze steady and
heated on him as Felix popped the cap open and squirted lube into
his palm.
Adrien s eyes flickered shut when Felix reached down and
wrapped his hand around Adrien s cock. He stroked slowly,
covering it with the lube until it was slick and his hand slipped
over it on each stroke.
Adrien shifted back and circled his fingers around Felix s wrist
to draw his hand away. He hooked his hand under Felix s knee and
drew his leg up. Felix helped him, tilting his hips so when Adrien
settled between Felix s thighs, the head of his cock pressed directly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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