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 Hey, they re cute! Sasha exclaimed with a small giggle.
 You weren t saying that last week when Marika used your best
leather boots to play in the mud, Vadim chuckled.
 Those were great boots.
 Stop complaining, Majiktoka, I bought you more.
 Just for that, I think you need to buy me another pair. Then I d
have a spare. Sasha giggled back.
Ryland lifted his head to watch the interchange between the two,
wondering at how Sasha could seem to stand up to a man that was not
only his alpha, but stood about a foot taller than him. But Sasha
seemed to have the big man eating out of his hand.
He couldn t help it. He began laughing. Sasha was standing there
with his hands on his hips, looking up at Vadim, who had his arms
crossed over his chest. They looked like they were getting ready to
fight, but the sparkles in Vadim s eyes said that he was just about
ready to pounce on his mate and not in a bad way.
 So, about this alpha compound 
62 Stormy Glenn
Chapter 5
Ryland walked down the wide staircase heading for the study, his
gaze intent on the beautiful surroundings of the alpha compound.
Sasha had told him some horror stories of what this place looked like
before he had decorated it, but it was hard to imagine. It was now
very homey and welcoming.
The off white walls were covered in colorful artwork that seemed
bright and cheery. Here and there were nice pieces of solid wood
furniture, some with colorful cushions, others with vases of fragrant
flowers. The place had a classical but comfortable feel to it.
He could imagine living here if he didn t already have a home.
Everyone he had met so far had been so welcoming. Just the people
that lived in the alpha compound made him feel like this was his
second home.
Gregory and Niko, Vadim s beta, had hit it off like old friends and
were even now off talking with Vadim about pack stuff. Ryland
hadn t met Vadim s other beta, Viktor, yet. He had been away on
pack business and was due back on the ferry today. Ryland hoped he
was as nice as Niko and Vadim.
 Well, hello there.
Ryland turned to see a man standing at the entrance to the study.
He was astounded by the sheer sexual magnetism of the man. He was
gorgeous. He stood about six foot two, had collar length dark brown
hair, and the palest blue eyes Ryland had ever seen.
 Not going to answer me? I like the silent type, he mused as he
walked around Ryland.  I like a lot of things. Should I show you?
Forbidden Desires 63
Before Ryland could answer him, the man leaned down and kissed
him on the lips. It was a soft kiss, no other touching involved, just his
lips gently meeting Ryland s.
Ryland leaned back from him, holding his hand up to ward him
off.  Don t, he whispered, still reeling from the feel of the man s
lips. He had never kissed anyone except Gregory. It was just as hot,
just as sensual, but different, too. He couldn t quite figure out why,
but it was.
 Who are you? the man asked, crowding him back against the
 Do you know who I am?
Ryland slowly nodded his head. He didn t exactly know his name,
but he knew who he was.
 Good, he replied, a wide grin crossing his lips.  That makes this
a lot easier, don t you think? he asked as he reached for Ryland.
 Don t please, Ryland said as he tried to scoot away from him.
Suddenly he felt an arm grab his, pulling him away. He looked around
to see Gregory standing between him and the handsome man.
 Hands off! Gregory yelled.
 Excuse me?
 I said hands off. He doesn t belong to you, Gregory replied, still
yelling as he took up a defensive stance.
 He s my mate! The man roared, taking a threatening step
toward Gregory.
Gregory stopped.  Ryland? he asked without turning his head
away from the staring contest he had going on with the man.
Gregory closed his eyes briefly at Ryland s softly spoken response
before opening them and turning around to wrap his arms around
Ryland. Holding him close to his body, he rubbed his back with one
hand, his other held softly in his hair.
64 Stormy Glenn
 It s okay, baby. We ll work this out, I promise. And everything
will be okay. You ll see, Gregory whispered against Ryland s hair.
 Get your hands off of my mate, the man growled, gaining their
Gregory turned to look at the man, his arms still wrapped around
Ryland.  Who are you?
 Viktor Stylianos. I m the beta of the Vourdala Pack. Who are
 My name is Gregory Avano. This is Ryland Stearns. We re both
of the Wolfrik Pack, Gregory replied.
 And you re a relative of Ryland s?
 No, I m his mate.
 No! He already said I m his mate, Viktor growled, taking a step
toward them.
 Hold on, Gregory said, holding his hand up to stop him.  Before
you get all bent out of shape, you need to know that Ryland is a tri-
omega. You and I are both his mates.
 I will not share my mate.
 You will if you don t want him to die, Gregory replied angrily.
Ryland lifted his head from where it was buried in Gregory s neck
at Viktor s softly spoken word. He could see the anger and horror in
Viktor s face. He wished that he could just sink through the floor.
This was all because of him. Two men, two men that should have
had their own mates, were going to have to share him. They never
asked for this and Ryland wished that it had never happened.
 Maybe we can go somewhere more comfortable and private to
discuss this? Gregory asked.
Viktor stared at them for several moments, then nodded his head,
leading them down the hallway toward the study. He opened the door
and ushered them in, finding a comfortable chair to sit in. Gregory led
Ryland into the room and sat down on the loveseat, pulling Ryland
down next to him.
Forbidden Desires 65
 Do you think you could get your hands off of my mate while
we discuss this? Viktor growled as he stared across at them.
 No. This is hard enough on Ryland as it is. And before you start [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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