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 I hope Shan still lives, she said.
Taf Ila winced.  Stop talking about Shan, he ordered.  Lord Kwan, I
will send rys to see you and your men to your new quarters tonight. I may not
be available, but if you have any problems, send word to me at the
Kwan nodded and thanked him. He wanted to ask more questions, but
Taf Ila hurried away with his stunning daughter.
Now who is this Shan?
Kwan thought.
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Onja settled into her throne, excited to receive the Kezanada Overlord.
Since the rysmavda executions in Dengar Nor, she had not observed the lowlands
and she was looking forward to good news from the Overlord.
The audacity of Shan s tactics had angered her so terribly that she had
stopped watching. His strategy would lose its effectiveness on her if she
ignored it. If she did not see what was meant to frustrate her and advertise
her reduced range of power, she would not suffer from the mental toll Shan
wished to take from her mind.
The lives of a few priests were insignificant, and Onja had placed her hope in
the Kezanada. She knew they had been massing for a strike against Shan and
today Onja dared to think that they had been successful.
So pleased by the thought that the Kezanada had completed their assignment,
Onja did not probe the mind of the approaching Overlord for confirmation. If
Shan was dead, she wanted to experience the moment of delight without
forewarning. Onja had even devised a special spell of preservation for Shan s
head to keep the trophy fresh and glorious.
The great doors opposite the Queen parted, admitting the Overlord and his
entourage. The Overlord strode across the cool marble with the confidence of a
very powerful man. He was a man of large build with a hefty girth and huge
arms bulging with muscle. One long braid hung down his back, ending in a clasp
set with a large ruby. A gold trimmed black mask covered half of his face
because it was traditional for Kezanada to conceal their identities from
people outside their society. His dark eyes peered through the mask with a
cunning gleam. He possessed a creative and cruel intelligence that was
sometimes subdued by the various things he put in his pipe. But today his mind
was sharp and clear, as it always was when he met with Onja.
A jeweled belt held a scimitar to his waist and his mighty frame was
clothed in richly embroidered robes that were trimmed with brightly dyed furs.
His apparel conveyed a sense of excessive wealth more than taste, but the
Overlord did not care if Onja saw how rich the Kezanada were. Most of the
wealthy and powerful segments of society hired the Kezanada occasionally, and
Onja often employed the Kezanada as agents of her malice. This gave the
Kezanada the distinction of actually earning more from Onja than they paid in
tribute. As the Overlord often liked to note, the rys so hated getting their
hands dirty.
Onja clawed the armrests of her throne as she anticipated the news she wanted
to hear. The Overlord stopped before her dais and kneeled, as did the rows of
Kezanada behind him, who all looked the same in their horsetailed helmets with
their visors down. Unmasked servants with shaved heads carried a large chest
to the front of the throne room, stopping beside the Overlord.
Normally Onja would speak first, but she remained strangely silent.
With his knees beginning to ache under his weight, the Overlord decided to
proceed. Rising, he stepped over to the chest, and with a flourish, he flung
it open. Gold, silver, jewels, curious rare crystals, chunks of uncut jade,
and lovely figurines carved from alabaster and studded with lapis lazuli
filled the chest.
The Overlord was fluent in the rys language, which was rare for humans, and he
began his speech.  The Kezanada respectfully present their Goddess Queen, fair
mistress of Jingten, with the finest prizes we have to offer from a year s
labor. Along with this magnificent chest of treasure, the Kezanada have
brought cattle, grain, fine furs, and many items that will please the citizens
of Jingten.
With a sick expression Onja stared at the chest, curling her lips with
displeasure. It was just the Kezanada s usual tribute and the Overlord was
giving his same old boring speech. The twinkle of treasure had never looked so
dull to Onja. Somehow, Shan had robbed her of even this pleasure.
 Stop! she thundered.
The Overlord obeyed and crossed his arms patiently. He had been waiting for
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the outburst.
 You were to bring me Shan s head. I said you were excused this year s tribute
as downpayment for your service. Why are you here with your
junk? Why do you not hunt Shan? Onja demanded ominously.
The Overlord withstood her angry glare and explained,  The Kezanada have lost
a hundred good men pursuing Shan. Great Queen Onja, we are only humans, and we
cannot get near the powerful rys, who has so offended you. Shan knows where we
are before we know where he is.
Scowling, Onja said,  How could you have lost one hundred Kezanada?
The Overlord felt his blood pressure surge. The news of the massacre in the
Nolesh was still fresh and upsetting. Outwardly he maintained his trademark
calm, answering,  I had massed a force in the Temu Domain to fall upon Shan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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