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whispered, nodding at Jet. "I saw it in your kitchen, smoking cigarettes and drinking my Scotch. I
saw it in your bedroom, kissing you and undressing you, getting you naked. I bet you even let it
fuck that sweet little ass of yours, didn't you?"
"You're saying Mr. Ashton here let a cigarette-smoking, whisky-drinking dog have sexual
relations with him?" the other uniformed policeman said with a skeptical frown.
"Not the dog, you idiot!" Kyle yelled, rounding on the officer. "The man inside the dog!"
"A man was inside the dog?" queried the first policeman. "You mean somebody had sexual
relations with the dog and Mr. Ashton?"
"Nobody had sexual relations with the fucking dog!" Kyle screamed, spittle flying from his lips.
"There is no fucking dog!"
Wanna Be Your Dog - 36
Jet gave a little whimper and looked up at Luke, a puzzled expression on his clearly doggy face.
Luke smiled down at him and laid a comforting hand on his head. "It's okay, Jet," he said. "The
poor man's just a little confused. Nobody's going to hurt you."
"Look!" Kyle screeched, hopping up and down in agitation. "He's touching it! He's touching the
"Okay, that does it." Detective de la Santa turned to the duty officer. "Call the psychiatric
department at the hospital and tell them we've got a live one for them. And make sure he's kept
under guard until they've made their assessment."
Luke watched as the two policemen dragged Kyle back outside. Although Kyle's accusations
about him and Jet were true, it was a pretty safe bet that nobody would ever believe them. And
while the deception might make Kyle appear even crazier than he already was, this was the ideal
opportunity for Kyle's other, all too genuine psychological problems to be addressed. Luke only
hoped that it would help Kyle in the long run.
"Mr. Ashton?"
Luke looked around at the touch of the detective's hand on his arm, and heaved a sigh. "Well, I
knew he had a problem with dogs, but& ."
"That's more than a problem, I'd say." De la Santa reached down, idly combing his fingers
through the dense fur between Jet's ears. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, sir. And I want to
thank you for sticking to your guns. Now that I've seen the man, I know that it must have taken a
lot of courage for you to stand up to him, especially after what else you said he did to you."
Luke didn't want to think about that. "Thanks. But Kyle's family -- what's going to happen to
"That's not your concern," the handsome young detective said, looking into Luke's eyes. "And to
be perfectly honest, I think they're better off without him, at least for the moment. In my humble
opinion, Mr. Waitrose is in need of some serious medical help."
"And I hope he gets it," Luke agreed. "Thank you, Detective. If there's nothing more, Jet and I
will be on our way."
Holding Luke's gaze perhaps a little longer than was necessary, de la Santa gave a little smile
and nodded his head. "Okay. Be seeing you," he said, then turned and made his way back down
the corridor.
Heaving a sigh of relief that it was all over, at least for now, Luke folded the copy of his
statement and slid it into his jeans pocket. "Come on, Jet," he said and headed toward the main
door, only to be brought up short by the leash. He glanced back. Jet was growling under his
breath, his eyes apparently fixed on the retreating detective's trim backside. "What?" Luke
murmured. "You're jealous?"
Wanna Be Your Dog - 37
Jet looked up at him and whined.
"Really? Oh, baby. Don't be. You're mine, and I'm yours, and that's the way it's always gonna
With a happy little bark, Jet reared up on his back legs and licked Luke's neck.
Chuckling, Luke wrapped his arms around his beautiful pet and held him close, savoring the
scent of Jet's fur, similar but subtly different to that of Ethan's skin.
Despite the complexity of the situation, Luke was confident that things would work out okay.
From what Ethan had said, nobody but his father had seen Ethan in human form since his
mother's funeral. As far as anybody knew, including the hit man's associate who had run [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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