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 You should have talked to Caleb, Laura. Or you should have come to me. You should
have known that your mother was just a bitter woman who couldn't stand to see anyone
happy if she was miserable.
 I know that now. But back then&  A shudder went through her.  I was so afraid she
was right. That I had no business being happy  cause I would just mess it up. I was young
and scared.
 And an idiot, young lady, Caroline added.
 I'm so sorry I hurt Caleb. You'll never know how sorry I am. Laura lowered her head,
tears dripping into her lap.  And that I hurt you, after you had been so good to me. But I
was about to get everything I wanted, and I panicked. I wasn't ready to marry anyone if I
couldn't get past my mother s influence. She still had the power to wreck me, and I knew
I'd always hear her voice in the back of my head if I jumped into marriage. I was so
young, and she had pounded into me that I wasn't worth a damn thing.
 You should have told Caleb all this, Caroline insisted, taking Laura's hands.
 He would have tried to convince me my mother was full of shit.
 She was. She nodded, wiping at Laura's damp cheeks.
 Yeah. But I needed to figure that out from myself. I needed to be happy myself. Build
myself up and learn that everything my mother told me was a lie. I was worth something
because I made myself be.
Caroline sighed and pulled back with a quiet look of understanding.
 You know very well how persistent your son is. If I tried to explain any of this, he'd try
and convince me he could fix it all.
 That's my Caleb. Mr. Fix-It, Caroline admitted with a small smile. Then the smile
wavered.  So you left without a word. I still can't approve or condone what you did,
Laura. It was cowardly and hurtful. But I can understand the reasoning behind it. Now
tell me how I can hope that you and Caleb find your way back to each other and not
worry that you'll hurt him again?
 I don't know if I can convince you things are different now. I'm different. So is Caleb.
 Oh, I have no doubt about that, Caroline agreed, crossing her arms.  You honestly
expect me to believe that you don't love Caleb anymore?
Laura took a deep breath and tried her hardest to make her face echo her words.  I'll
always love him. But we were both so young. We barely knew ourselves and were so
wrapped up in each other that we never developed into whole people. He was my first
love. That'll never change. We just& We re not those people anymore. He's moved on
too. We've both grown up. Maybe we can be friends."
Caroline snorted.  My son is not the forgiving kind. You know that.
 No. But maybe after we talk, I can make him see I was right to break it off.
 Oh, I'm not sure it won't take a miracle for that to happen. Caroline ran her fingers
through her blonde hair, a habit both Caleb and Mike echoed often.
 I want your forgiveness first, Laura admitted in a small voice, daring to hope that it
would be granted to her. She picked at the light green fabric of the pajama pants Caroline
had let her borrow.
The older woman was silent for a good few minutes. She got up and paced her bedroom,
stopping to push aside the curtain and look out the window for a minute.
Laura waited, watching her and holding her breath.
 You have my forgiveness, Laura.
She got up and threw her arms around Caroline, feeling a rush of relief surge through her
body. Was it stupid of her to hope Caleb would ever be as forgiving?
She should have known better. The next morning while she sat across the table from him,
Laura noticed that he wouldn t meet her eyes. A small part of her hoped it was because
he was ashamed of his actions towards her yesterday and not because he couldn t stand
the sight of her.
 So, what would you like for dinner tonight? Caroline asked her son, though her eyes
remained on Laura with unmistakable insistence. When would she get to it and talk with
Caleb so they could clear the air?
 Whatever you want to make is fine, he grumbled, taking a drink from a red coffee mug.
He hadn t shaved in what looked like days. Was that habit or just laziness due to his
injuries? Laura remembered him being clean shaven. She closed her eyes briefly and
was hit with the memory of soft skin smelling of the spicy cologne she d bought him for
a gift when he d first started shaving.
 I was thinking lasagna for a special treat, but I have to go into town to pick up some
ground beef.
There it was. Her opening. She was giving Laura her time alone with Caleb. Laura s heart
shot up into her throat, and her hands grew cold with panic.
Caleb suddenly lifted his head, as his mother s words seemed to penetrate and he was
presented with the prospect of being alone with Laura. Wide blue eyes met hers for a
brief second before darting away.  I can drive you.
Of course, Caroline shot down his suggestion.  No, you ll stay here with Laura until I get
back. If you two would like to get started chopping the vegetables, that would be a big
help to me.
Caleb and Laura cooking together? Playing house? She was all for having her time alone
to talk with Caleb, but she thought Caroline was laying it on a little thick, and her glare
told her so.
The older woman just smiled sweetly and grabbed her blue cardigan off the doorknob on
the back of the kitchen door. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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